Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/668

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636 Supervisory Representative in Charge. Appointment.

60 Stat. 537. 5 USC 1001 note. Powers.



12 USC 1464. Investment of assets.

58 Stat. 284. 38 USC 693 note.

PUBLIC LAW 560-AUG. 2, 1954



examiner or lawful agent appointed by the Home Loan Bank Board; and (iv) unsafe or unsound operation. The Board shall have exclusive jurisdiction to appoint a Supervisory Representative in Charge, conservator, or receiver. If, in the opinion of the Board, a ground for the appointment of a conservator or receiver as herein provided exists and the Board determines that an emergency exists requiring immediate action, the Board is authorized to appoint ex parte and without notice a Supervisory Representative in Charge to take charge of said association and its affairs who shall have and exercise all the powers herein provided for conservators and receivers. Unless sooner removed by the Board, such Supervisory Representative in Charge shall hold office until a conservator or receiver, appointed by the Board after notice as herein provided, takes charge of the association and its affairs, or for six months, or until thirty days after the termination of the administrative hearing and final proceedings herein provided, or until sixty days after the final termination of any litigation affecting such temporary appointment, whichever is longest. The Board shall have the power to appoint a conservator or receiver but no such appointment of a conservator or receiver shall be made except pursuant to a formal resolution of the Board stating the grounds therefor and except notice thereof is given to said association stating the grounds therefor and until an opportunity for an administrative hearing thereon is afforded to said association. Such hearing shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act and shall be subject to review as therein provided and the review by the court shall be upon the weight of the evidence. A conservator shall have all the powers of the members, the directors, and officers of the Federal association and shall be authorized to operate it in its own name or conserve its assets in the manner and to the extent authorized by the Board. The Board shall appoint only the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation as receiver for any Federal savings and loan association, which shall have power as receiver to buy at its own sale subject to approval by the Board. With the consent of the association expressed by a resolution of the board of directors or of its members, the Board is authorized to appoint a conservator or receiver for a Federal association without notice and without hearing. The Board shall have power to make rules and regulations for the reorganization, merger, and liquidation of Federal associations and for such associations in conservatorship and receivership and for the conduct of conservatorships and receiverships. Whenever a Supervisory Representative in Charge, conservator, or receiver, appointed by the Board pursuant to the provisions of this section, demands possession of the property, business and assets of any association, the refusal of any officer, agent, employee, or director of such association to comply with the demand shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than one year or both by such fine and imprisonment."; and (3) by striking out the second paragraph of subsection (c) of section 5 and inserting in lieu thereof the following new paragraph: "Without regard to any other provision of this subsection except the area requirement such associations are authorized to invest a sum not in excess of 15 per centum of the assets of such association in loans insured under title I of the National Housing Act, as amended, in unsecured loans insured or guaranteed under the provisions of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, as