Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/825

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PUBLIC LAW 658-AUG. 24, 1954

viding surety coverage to the Federal credit union with reference to loss by reason of acts of fraud or dishonesty including forgery, theft, embezzlement, wrongful abstraction or misapplication on the part of the person, directly or through connivance with others, and such other surety coverages as the Director may determine to be reasonably appropriate or as elsewhere required by this chapter. Any such bond or bonds shall be in an amount in relation to the money or other personal property involved or in relation to the assets of the Federal credit union as the Director may from time to time prescribe by regulation for the purpose of requiring reasonable coverage. I n lieu of individual bonds the Director may approve the use of a form of schedule or blanket bond which covers all of the officers and employees of a Federal credit union whose duties include the receipt, payment, or custody of money or other personal property for or on behalf of the Federal credit union. The Director may also approve the use of a form of excess coverage bond whereby a Federal credit union may obtain an amount of coverage in excess of the basic surety coverage." Approved August 24, 1954.

Public Law 657


AN ACT To authorize and direct the Secretary of the Interior to transfer forty acres of land in the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, Montana, to School District Numbered 6, Rosebud County, Montana.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That notwithstanding any contrary provision of law the Secretary of the Interior, or his authorized representative, is hereby authorized and directed to transfer by patent to School District Numbered 6, Rosebud County, Montana, or to any other appropriate governmental agency or local school authority in Montana empowered to take title to land for construction of a public school, in accordance with the resolution of January 29, 1954, by the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council, all right, title, and interest of the United States and the Northern Cheyenne Tribe, reserving however to the said Northern Cheyenne Tribe all mineral rights, including gas and oil, as provided by the Act of June 3, 1926 (cli. 450, 44 Stat. 690), in and to a tract of approximately forty acres of land within the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, described as the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, section 33, township 2 south, range 41 east, Montana prime meridian, subject to such existing easement, right-of-way or other interest as may now be held by the State of Montana for the routing of State Highway Numbered 8. Approved August 24, 1954.

Public Law 658

August 24, 1954 [H. R. 8897]

Rosebud County, Mont. Conveyance.


AN ACT To provide for the conveyance of certain land owned by the Federal Government near Vicksburg, Mississippi, to Vicksburg, Mississippi,

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to convey, for and in consideration of an amount equal to the reasonable appraised value thereof as determined by the Secretary, to the city of Vicksburg,

August 24, 1954 [H. R. 9194]

Vicksburg, Miss* Conveyance.