Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/883

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68 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 665-AUG. 26, 1954


to, or delivery in a recipient country may be transferred to such country, and (iii) funds appropriated under authority of this Act may be obligated (A) for the necessary expenses of procurement, shipment, delivery, and other activities essential to such transfer and (B) for the necessary expenses of liquidating operations incident to such functions. (2) A t such time as the President shall find appropriate, the powers, duties, and authority conferred by this Act with respect to such function may be transferred for the purpose of liquidation to such other United States Government agencies as the President shall specify, and the relevant funds, records, property, and personnel may be transferred to the agencies to which the related functions are transferred. (c) Unless sooner abolished under section 525, the Foreign Opera- tio^T^iumSSIt'rations Administration shall cease to exist at the close of June 30, 1955. tion. SEC. 504. SMALL BUSINESS.—(a) Insofar as practicable and to the

maximum extent consistent with the accomplishment of the purposes of this Act, the President shall assist American small business to participate equitably in the furnishing of commodities and services financed with funds authorized under titles II, III, and IV, and chapters 2 and 3 of title I, of this Act— (1) by causing to be made available to suppliers in the United States and particularly to small independent enterprises, information, as far in advance as possible, with respect to purchases proposed to be financed with such funds, (2) by causing to be made available to prospective purchasers in the nations receiving assistance under this Act information as to commodities and services produced by small independent enterprises in the United States, and (3) by providing for additional services to give small business better opportunities to participate in the furnishing of commodities and services financed with such funds. (b) There shall be an Office of Small Business, headed by a Special B^"nels.°^ ^""^" Assistant for Small Business, in such United States Government agency as the President may direct, to assist in carrying out the provisions of subsection (a) of this section. (c) The Secretary of Defense shall assure that there is made available to suppliers in the United States, and particularly to small independent enterprises, information with respect to purchases made by the Department of Defense pursuant to chapter 1 of title I, such information to be furnished as far in advance as possible. SEC. 505. LOAN ASSISTANCE.—(a) Assistance under this Act may be furnished on a grant basis or on such terms, including cash, credit, or other terms of repayment (including repayment in foreign currencies or by transfer to the United States of materials required for -. stockpiling or other purposes) as may be determined to be best suited to the achievement of the purposes of this Act. (b) Of the funds made available pursuant to this Act and foreign currencies accruing to the United States under section 402, the equivalent of not less than $200,000,000 shall be available only for the furnishing of assistance on terms of repayment. Funds for the purpose of furnishing assistance on terms of repayment shall be allocated to the Export-Import Bank of Washington, which shall, notwithstanding the provisions of the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945 (59 Stat. 526), as amended, make and administer the credit on such terms. 12use 63Snote. Credits made by the Export-Import Bank of Washington with funds so allocated to it shall not be considered in determining whether the Bank has outstanding at any one time loans and guaranties to the extent of the limitation imposed by section 7 of the ExportImport Bank Act of 1945 (59 Stat. 529), as amended. Amounts ^ " ' « ' P - ^ ' s.