Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/920

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Interference. Prohibition.

D e s tr ud t ion of affixed notice. Prohibition.

Review of order.


PUBLIC LAW 681-AUG. 28, 1954



in the District of Columbia; or if by reason of an outstanding unrecorded transfer of title the name of the owner in fact cannot be ascertained beyond a reasonable doubt, if served on the owner of record in the manner hereinbefore in this section provided. Any notice to a corporation shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to have been served on such corporation if served on the president, secretary, treasurer, general manager, or any principal officer of such corporation in the manner hereinbefore provided for the service of notices on natural persons holding property in their own right; and notice to a foreign corporation shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to have been served if served on any agent of such corporation personally, or if left with any person of suitable age and discretion residing at the usual residence or employed at the usual place of business of such agent in the District of Columbia. "SEC. 11. No person shall interfere with the Commissioners or with any person acting under authority and by direction of said Commissioners in the discharge of his lawful duties, nor hinder, prevent, or refuse to permit any lawful inspection or the performance of any work authorized by this Act to be done by or by authority and direction of said Commissioners. "SEC. 12. No person shall, without the consent of the Board for the Condemnation of Insanitary Buildings, deface, obliterate, remove, or conceal any copy of any order of condemnation which has been affixed to any building or part of building by order of the said Board; and the owner and the person having custody of any building or part of building to which a copy or copies of any such order has been affixed shall, if said copy of said order has been to his knowledge defaced, obliterated, or removed, forthwith report that fact in writing to the Board (unless he has good reason to believe that such copy of such an order has been removed by authority of the Board), and if such copy of such order has been concealed, he shall forthwith expose the same to view. "SEC. 13. Any owner of property affected by an order of condemnation issued under the authority contained in this Act shall be entitled to a review of such order by the Condemnation Keview Board established by the Commissioners in accordance with the provisions of section 2 of this Act, upon making application to said Condemnation Review Board, in Avriting, within fifteen days from the date on which such owner has been served notice of such order of condemnation, and upon payment of a fee of $25. The said Condemnation Review Board shall be authorized by the Commissioners to affirm, modify, or vacate any order of condemnation issued under the authority contained in this Act. "SEC. 14. The owner of any building or part of building condemned under the provisions of this Act niay, within fifteen days from the date on which such owner receives notice that such order of condemnation has been reviewed by the Condemnation Review Board established in accordance with section 2 of this Act and has been affirmed or modified by such Board, appeal to the Municipal Court for the District of Columbia for the modification or vacation of said order of condemnation. The municipal court shall give precedence to any such case, shall hear the testimony adduced therein, shall view the building or part of building affected by said order of condemnation, and thereafter shall affirm, modify, or vacate said order. I n any proceeding instituted in accordance with the provisions of this subsection, such proceeding shall be conducted by the judge only, and nothing herein contained shall be construed as authorizing or entitling the owner of property affected by such order of condemnation to a trial by jury.