Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 2.djvu/294

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[68 Stat. 264]
[68 Stat. 264]


PRIVATE LAW 949-AUG. 31, 1954 Private Law 949

August 31, 1954 ^^' ^^°^J

M. R. Prestrldge Lumber Co.

Timber rights,




AN ACT To provide that the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to extend until not later than October 18, 1962, certain timber rights and necessary ingress and egress, and for other purjwses.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Agriculture, hereinafter referred to as the Secretary, is hereby authorized to extend until not later than October 18, 1962, those certain timber rights and necessary ingress, egress, or occupancy in connection therewith, of the M. R. Prestridge Lumber Company, and its successors in interest, on the following-described lands: Township 17 south, range 12 east, New Mexico principal meridian: Section 22, south half; section 23, south half; section 24, northeast quarter northeast quarter, southwest quarter northeast quarter, south half northwest quarter, southwest quarter, south half southeast quarter; section 25, northeast quarter northeast quarter, south half northeast quarter, northwest quarter, south half; section 26, northwest quarter, northeast quarter southeast quarter, south half south half; section 27, north half, northwest quarter southeast quarter, south half southeast quarter, southw^est quarter; section 28, all; section 33, all section 34, north half; section 35, all. Township 18 south, range 12 east. New Mexico principal meridian Section 3, west half; section 4, all; section 9, all. All lying within the Lincoln National Forest, Otero County, New Mexico; such timber rights being those as were excepted as outstanding in the Southwest Lumber Company, predecessors in interest to the M. R. Prestridge Lumber Company, and expiring October 18, 1957, by that certain warranty deed, dated August 31, 1940, from Lee H. Orndorff, Alice V. Orndorff, M. H. Barrough, and Lula N. Barrough, to the United States of America, of record in said county on October 7, 1940, in book 117 of deeds at pages 617-8-9; which rights, by reference, were described and reserved in that certain deed of conveyance to the land involved from the Alamogordo Lumber Company, predecessors in interest to the Southwest Lumber Company, dated October 18, 1917, and recorded in book 53, pages 257, 262, deed records of Otero County, New Mexico: Provided, That said M. R. Prestridge Lumber Company and its successors in interest shall leave uncut henceforth from the date of this Act, all trees whose diameter at a point four and one-half feet above ground equals sixteen inches or less: Provided further, That the said M. R. Prestridge Lumber Company and its successors in interest shall after date of this Act comply with reasonable logging and occupancy restrictions prescribed by the Secretary to prevent unnecessary damage to public resources and interests including uncut timber and young growth, forage, soil, water, improvements, and public health and to insure reasonable fire protection. The said company shall, after date of this Act, conform to road construction and maintenance standards acceptable to the Secretary, but not higher than required of other purchasers of national forest timber on the Lincoln National Forest and shall contribute a fair share toward the maintenance of the national forest roads used for log and lumber hauling by them. Approved August 31, 1954.