Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 2.djvu/297

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[68 Stat. 267]
[68 Stat. 267]


PRIVATE LAW 955-AUG. 31, 1954


Private Law 955



AN ACT For the relief of Charles J. Abarno and others.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to each of the following claimants the sum designated in full satisfaction of his claim against the United States which sum, together with the amount advanced by the Department of State or the Economic Cooperation Administration to or on behalf of any claimant listed below, represents the reasonable value of personal property lost by each said claimant as a result of the outbreak of hostilities in Korea: Charles J. Abarno, $145.76; EUabeth Abercrombie, $350; Norman S. Abramson, $66; Josephine Algarotti, $250; Douglas D. Allen, $990.80; Ruth H. Allen, $744.90; Rhea Anderson, $1,809.50; Morton Bach, $8,500; David M. Bane, $6,200; Francis E. Barnhart, $2,000; Carl F. Bartz, Junior, $1,600; Joy K. Beacham, $52.07; Mary A. Beebe, $1,200; James E. Belew, $89.50; Louis K. Benjamin, $1,850.50; Thomas E. Benner, $352; James H. Berrean, $1,393.50; Samuel Berry, $238.50; Samuel Blankfield, $535.18; Claire E. Boyle, $132.35; Ralph O. Bricker, $7,000; Albin C. Bro, $415.50; Genevieve M. Browne, $350; Lorraine R. Bruun, $4,200; Vasilys N. Bugovies, $5,300; Betty Burke, $239.66; Elsie F. Caldwell, $1,267; Joseph A. Carmel, $300; Joseph H. P. Carr, $246.30; H a r r y C. C. Chung, $1,002.85; John Chung, $2,500; Helenann Clarke, $249.15; John R. Coan, $2,000; Guy T. Colling, $147.40; AVilliam A. Conkright, $3,000; Francis A. Cooke, $900; Thomas J. Cory, $4,000; Anna M. Crane, $450; Ezra L. Cross, $1,000; Jane A. Culpepper, $900; Ira J. Dale, $2,372.65; Shirley Ann Dawes, $235.75; Owen L. Dawson, $1,828.90; Rose M. Dickson, $200; Arthur C. Dieter, $353; Jefferson Dix, Junior, $2,800; Winifred Doddridge, $146; Carrie E. Dreibelbies, $460.95; Walter H. Drew, $406.90; Everett F. Drumright, $1,886; Marion Dudenhoefer, $104.14; Florence T. Dunscombe, $75; Theodore J. Eckert, $2,454; OUie L. Edmundson, $300; Muriel Gaspar Emery, $168.95; Arthur B. Emmons, Third, $119.50; Frank and Mary England, $3,015.16; Edgar D. Erwin, $250; Alfred M. Ewing, $1,172.50; John M. Farrior, $3,000; Ivo D. Fatigati, $261.48; Donald G. Faust, $178.60; Lester C. Fickett, $410.77; Samuel F. Floyd, Junior, $271; Bernard M. Flynn, $593.60; Mildred H. Foreman, $143.77; Catherine E. Foster, $400; Herman B. Fredman, $484; Viola M. French, $450; Roy Y. Fujioka, $550; Charles M. Gage, $364; Walter D. Gardner, $3,700; Thomas E. and Margaret D. Gavin, $3,000; Gene O. Gerdt, $103.50; Thomas F. Glennon, $542; Wanda Gondek, $150; John Gonzalez, $1,829; Faye Gottfried, $1,500; Lorraine T. Gresko, $300; Estate of Frances Groom, $299.53; Albert W. J. Grotjohan, $3,000; Roy I. Hanna, $644.75; Ovsanna Harpootian, $120.90; Reginald L. Hatt, $136.50; Robert W. Heavey, $1,800; Ethel E. Henderson, $215.41; Gregory Henderson, $1,082; Katharine P. Hess, $61.38; Paul E. Hill, $150; Helen E. Hobson, $138; George Hockstaetter, $1,300; William D. Holbert, $1,960.50; Roy G. Holloway, $963.25; Jonathan I. Holmes, $115.90; Beatrice H. Holt, $1,000; John D. Huhm, $613.10; Mario B. lavicoli, $125; Dolores M. Jablonski, $300; William R. Jackson, $177.25; Rolf Jacoby, $210; Dwight O. Jennings, $1,494;

August 31, 1954 [H. R. 4340]

Charles J. Abarno and others.