Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 2.djvu/484

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[68 Stat. 48]
[68 Stat. 48]



[68 STAT.

item 367 (a) have been applied to the products described in such item, which duties reflect the duty concessions granted in the said trade agreement with respect to such products; and 5. WHEREAS the United States Tariff Commission has submitted to me its report of an investigation, including a hearing, under 1 USC 1 6 9 34 section 7 of the Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1951, as amended, as a result of which the Commission has found that certain products 1 USC 1001, 9 described in the said item 367 (a) are, as a result in part of the duties ^^^' ^^^' reflecting the concessions granted thereon in the said trade agreement, being imported into the United States in such increased quantities, both actual and relative, as to cause serious injury to the domestic industries producing like or directly competitive products; and 6. WHEREAS the Tariff Commission has recommended that the duty concessions granted in the said trade agreement with respect to certain products described in the said item 367 (a) be modified to permit the application to such products of higher rates of duty hereinafter proclaimed, which rates the Commission found and reported to be necessary to remedy the serious injury to the domestic industries producing like or directly competitive products; and 7. WHEREAS section 350(a)(2) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as 1 USC 1351. 9 amended (48 Stat. 943), authorizes the President to proclaim such modifications of existing duties as are required or appropriate to carry out any foreign trade agreement that the President has entered into under the said section 350(a); and 8. WHEREAS upon the modification of duty concessions in the said trade agreement as recommended by the Tariff Commission it will be appropriate, to carry out the said trade agreement, as supple2UST453. mented on October 13, 1950, to apply to the said products the rates of duty hereinafter proclaimed: watch^movemmts. NOW, THEREFORE, I, DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER, President duties. of the United States of America, acting under and by virtue of the ^^48 Stat. 943; 65 Stat, authority vested in me by section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as 1 USC 1351, 1364. amended, and by section 7(c) of the Trade Agreements Extension 9 Act of 1951, and in accordance with the said trade agreement as 2UST453. supplemented October 13, 1950, do proclaim— (a) That the provisions of item 367 (a) of Schedule II of the said trade agreement shall be modified, effective at the close of business July 27, 1954, so as to read as follows: UnitedStates '^oTl930^* paragraph

367 (a)



Description of Articles

Watch movements, and time-keeping, timemeasuring, or time-indicating mechanisms, devices, and instruments, whether or not designed to be worn or carried on or about the person, all the foregoing, if under 1.77 inches wide, whether or not in cases, containers, or housings: H a v i n g more than 1 and not more than 17 jewels: Over 1.5 inches wide Over 1.2 b u t not over 1.5 inches w i d e,, Over 1 b u t not over 1.2 inches wide Over 0.9 b u t not over 1 inch wide Over 0.8 b u t not over 0.9 inch wine Over 0.6 b u t not over 0.8 inch wide 0.6 inch or less wide Having no jewels or only one jewel: Over 1.5 inches wide Over 1.2 but not over 1.5 inches w i d e. -

Rate of duty

$1.25 each $1.35 each $1.35 each $1.75 each $2.00 each $2.02>^ each $2.50 each $0.75 each $0.84 each