Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/1088

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[69 Stat. LXVI]
[69 Stat. LXVI]





Colony Housing Project, sale to Boston Housing Authority Old Kasaan National Monument, Alaska, abolishment Old Saybrook, Conn., construction and maintenance of toll bridge across Connecticut River near Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise Fund, establishment; appointment and functions of P e r m a n e n t Committee for the Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise Olmstead Air Force Base, Pa., construction of facilities authorized Olympic G a m e s: Admissions tax exemption for athletic events for benefit of United States Olympic Association Invitations to hold 1960 Games— Detroit, Mich Squaw Valley, Calif National Olympic D a y — 1954, proclamation 1955, authority to proclaim Participation by Armed Forces personnel Onions, inclusion under Commodity Exchange Act Opiates, determination of certain drugs as_

^*^^ "Our American Government, What Is It? ^^^^ 448 How D o e s It Function?", revision and printing of B4 380 "Our Capitol", printing of copies of B33 Overthrow of United States Government, prohibition of employment of persons 552 advocating 624 Appropriation act provisions 6, 43, 63, |78, 158, 197, 216, 237, 261, 280, 318, 364, 412, 439, 469, 520. 533 Oxnard Air Force Base, Calif., construction of facilities authorized 338 339

Orange, Tex., Naval Station, construction of facilities authorized Oregon, interstate compact for apportionment of K l a m a t h River waters with California


675 8 131 c6 470 11 375 ell, c21 330


Oregon and California Railroad Grant Lands: Appropriation for 141, Mineral and vegetative materials on, disposal authority Power-site withdrawals, entry for mining, development, and utilization of mineral resources of Rights-of-way and timber access roads, authority of Secretary of Interior to acquire


Organization of American States, appropriation for contributions to, authorized Appropriation for

286 435

Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government, Commission on. See Executive Branch of the Government, Commission on Organization of the. Osage Indian Museum, appropriation for curator Otis Air Force Base, Mass., construction of facilities authorized

142 368


144 338

Padre Isle, Tex., reconveyance of certain land to Brownsville Navigation District. _ Paine Air Force Base, Wash., construction of facilities authorized Pakistan, appropriation for reimbursement to Commodity Credit Corporation for transfer of wheat to Palestine Refugees in the Near East, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for, appropriation for contributions authorized Appropriation for Palm Beach Air Force Base, Fla., construction of facilities authorized Palo Verde Weir, funds available for operation and maintenance Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 1955, proclamation Pan-American Games, participation by Armed Forces personnel Pan-American Highway, Convention on the, appropriation for fulfilling United States obligation Panama: Citizens of, employment on Canal Zone, conditions and limitations Government of, appropriation for payment to Panama Canal. See Canal Zone. Panama Canal Company. See under Canal Zone. Panama City, Fla., construction of naval facilities authorized Papago Indian Reservation, exploration, location, and entry of mineral lands. Papago Saguaro National Monument, transfer of United States interest in certain land in Park Police. See under District of Columbia. Parks: National Capital Parks. See under District of Columbia.

545 338


286 436

358 c26 11


316 464

329 67