Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/1102

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[69 Stat. LXXX]
[69 Stat. LXXX]



Servicemen's Indemnity Act of 1951— ^*^® Continued Amendments—Continued Waiver of premiums and total disability income benefits in issue or reinstatement of insurance on a p e r m a n e n t plan when total disability commences prior to application 396 Funds available for effecting provisions211 Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944: Amendments— Direct loans, extension of authority __ 167 F a r m housing loans, guaranties 161 Funds for effecting provisions 68, 210, 398 Korean conflict, terminal date for service conferring entitlement to certain veterans' benefits cl8 Sewart Air Force Base, Tenn., construction of facilities authorized 346 Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N. C, construction of facilities authorized- _ 346 Shafer, Paul W., appropriation for payment to heirs of 5 Sharpe General Depot, Calif., construction of facilities authorized 325 Shaw Air Force Base, S. C, construction of facilities authorized 346 Sheppard Air Force Base, Tex., construction of facilities authorized 341 Sherman Antitrust Act, Amendments: Increase of criminal penalties 282 Suits to recover damages, repeal of superseded provision 283 Shoshone Tribe, Wind River Reservation, Wyo., per capita payments, q u a r t e r l y. 557 Shumaker, Ark., construction of naval facilities authorized 334 Sierra Ordnance Depot, Calif., construction of facilities authorized 324 Sioux City Municipal Airport, Iowa, construction of facilities authorized 338 Sioux Falls, S. Dak., conveyance of land by General Services Administration to__ 559 Sioux Indians: Cheyenne River Tribe, funds available for payment to 459 Standing Rock Tribe, conveyance of Sitting Bull burial site to North D a k o t a for historic site 543 Y a n k to n Tribe, S. Dak., appropriation for relocation 144 Sitting Bull Burial Site, conveyance of land to North D a k o t a for State historic site 543 Small Business, Assistance to: Defense Production Act Amendments of 1955 580 Small Business Act of 1953. See separate title.

Small Business, Assistance to—Con. Small Business Administration. separate title. Small Business Act of 1953: Amendments—-

^*^^ See

Attorneys, procurement of services by contract Certification as "small-business concern" Corporations formed by small-business concerns to secure raw m a terials, loans to; nonapplicability of a n t i t r u s t or Federal Trade Commission prohibitions Disaster loans; loans in drought areas. Duplication of work, prohibition Employees, bonding and qualifying as notaries public; OS-16, 17, and 18 positions; compensation and travel expenses for experts and consultants Extension or renewal of loans Government agencies, consultation and cooperation 550, Interest on cash disbursements from advances to Administration Interest r a t e on loans Maximum business loan limits Regional offices in Alaska, Hawaii, and P u e r to Rico Reports 549, 550, Retention of records Termination date Time extension Armed Forces procurement, inclusion of necessary descriptive language in bids and invitations to bid ^^-Small Business Administration: Appropriation for, 30, 239, Reports to President and Congress on expenditures Small Business Act, amendments. See separate title. Smith-Lever Act: Amendments, extension service appropriations for low-income farmers' program Appropriation for effecting provisions. Smithsonian Institution: Appropriation for 157, Board of Regents, r e appointment of Dr. Jerome C. Hunsaker as citizen regent GS-16, 17, and 18 positions, authority for Repeal Museum of History and Technology, construction authority Appropriation for

547 550

548 549 551

547 547 551 547 548 548 547 551 551 551 225

551 452 551

683 53 461

82 157 182 189 461