Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/1114

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[69 Stat. XCII]
[69 Stat. XCII]



Veterans—Continued ^""^® Veterans Administration—Continued Uniform allowances, funds available for_ 468 Veterans D a y National Committee, Administrator as chairman c8 World War Veterans' Act, 1924, amendment, attorney's fee in suits for waiver of premiums on account of total disability 380 Veterans Administration. See under Veterans. Veterans Day, 1954, proclamation c8 Veterans' Pensions, President's Commission on, appropriation for 239, 457 Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act ofl952: Amendments— Accrual of educational benefits after Jan. 31, 1955 8 Educational allowances for institutional on-farm training, reduction in 558 Mustering-out payments, time extension for filing claims for 380 Unemployment compensation, termination date 376 Funds for effecting provisions 210, 398 Korean conflict, terminal date for service conferring entitlement to certain veterans' benefits cl8 Veterans' Remployment Rights, Bureau of, appropriation for 397 Veterans Regulations: No. 1 (a). Part I, paragraph I (a), amendment 497 No. 7 (a), paragraph II, addition 161 No. 9 (a), paragraph I, amendment 440 Vice President of the United States: Appointments by. See President of Senate, appointments by, under Senate. Automobile, appropriation for 503 Compensation 11 Appropriation for 39, 499 Expense allowance, appropriation for_ 39, 499 Office of, appropriation for 499 Threats against, penalty 80 Vineland School District, Kern County, Calif., release of reversionary rights by United States 46 Vinson-Trammel Act, suspension of profit limitations in certain contracts 447 Vint Hill Farms Station, Va., construction of facilities authorized 325 Virgin Islands: Airport projects, appropriation for grants-in-aid for 227 Appropriation for administration 149 (loncral Services Administration, purchases through 149

INDEX Virgin Islands—Continued Judges, appropriation for salaries Minimum wages United States a t to r n e y s and assistant United States attorneys, salaries __ Urban renewal, authority Virgin Islands Corporation: Appropriation for Transfer of certain property in St. Croix to Agriculture Department Vocational Education Act of 1946, funds available for effecting provisions Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of, appropriation for Vocational Rehabilitation, Office of, appropriation for Vocational Rehabilitation Act, funds available for effecting provisions Voting Assistance Act of 1955, Federal

'^^^^ 276 711 10 637 158 391 402 250 403 403 584

W Wage and Hour Division, appropriation for 400, 461 Wages, Minimum, increase 711 Appropriation for 461 Waiawa (Waipio) Radio Transmitting Station, T. H., construction of milit a r y facilities authorized 328 Waikilsi, T. H., authority for compromise agreement and sale, exchange, or lease of certain tidelands to shoreland owners -428 Wake Island, construction of Air Force facilities authorized 347 Walker, Minn., schooling of Indian children without cost to United States, repeal 433 Walker Air Force Base, N. Mex., construction of facilities authorized 345 Walker River, water use compact between California and N e v a d a 675 Walter Reed Army Medical Center, D. C, construction of facilities a u t h o r i z e d. 326, 329 War Claims. See Foreign Claims Settlement Commission. War Claims Act of 1948: Funds available for effecting provisions_ 194 War Claims Fund, availability to Bureau of Employees' Compensation 399,400 War College, Naval, appropriation for 306 War Powers Act, First, 1941, continuation of contract powers under 82 War-Risk Hazards, compensation for injuries or deaths resulting from 241 War Risk Insurance, Marine, extension of authority 440 War Shipping Administration, liquidation, funds available 230