Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/134

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[69 Stat. 92]
[69 Stat. 92]


PUBLIC LAW 68-JUNE 10, 1955

[69 S T A T.

(6) POSITION.—FILE CLERK—LEVEL 3. BASIC FUNCTION.—Sets up and maintains files on one or more subject matters. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.—

(A) Prepares new file folders and maintains existing folders in correct order as prescribed in the established filinjr system. (B) Transmits folders or information contained therein to authorized personnel (for example, forwards personnel folders to requestinj^ supervisors, or copies data from folders to satisfy requests). (C) Opens, sorts, and searches file material, and maintains files in up-to-date condition. (D) In addition, may perform any of the following duties: (i) Types from rough draft or plain copy. (ii) Answers telephones, (iii) Prepares requisitions for supplies, (iv) Operates a mimeograph machine. ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS.—Reports to a designated supervisor. (7) POSITION.—TYPIST—LEVEL 3. BASIC FUNCTION.—Types material such as forms, correspondence, and stencils from rough draft or plain copy. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.—

(A) I n accordance with instructions and information furnished by supervisor, types forms, standard reports, and documents such as invitations to bid, orders, contracts, invoices, personnel actions, and related materials. (B) Types correspondence and memoranda from rough drafts or general information. (C) Cuts stencils for instructions, circulars, and other general uses. (D) I n addition, may perform any of the following duties: (i) Transcribes from a dictating machine. (ii) Operates a mimeogra ph machine. (iii) Files, checks requisitions, prepares vouchers, and answers the telephone. ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS.—Reports to a designated supervisor. (8) POSITION.—MAIL HANDLER—LEVEL 3. BASIC FUNCTION.—Loads, unloads, and moves bulk mail, and performs other duties incidental to the movement and processing of mail. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.—

(A) Unloads mail received by trucks. Separates all mail received by trucks and conveyors for subsequent dispatch to other conveying units, and separates and delivers working mails for delivery to distribution areas. (B) Places empty sacks or pouches on racks, labels them where labels are prearranged or racks are plainly marked, dumps mail from sacks, cuts ties, faces letter mail, carries mail to distributors for processing, places processed mail into sacks, removes filled sacks and pouches from racks, closes and locks same. Picks up sacks, pouches, and outside pieces, separates outgoing bulk mails for dispatch and loads mail onto trucks. (C) Handles and sacks empty equipment, inspects empty equipment for mail content, restrings sacks. (D) Cancels stamps on parcel post, operates canceling machines, carries mail from canceling machine to distribution cases. (E) Assists in supply and slip rooms and operates addressograph, mimeograph, and similar machines.