Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/139

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[69 Stat. 97]
[69 Stat. 97]

69 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 68-JUNE 10, 1955

(E) Maintains close liaison with foremen of appropriate incoming and outgoing trains and vehicles to assure prompt receipt and expeditious dispatch of mail. (F) Keeps informed on local holding orders for each outgoing dispatch and requests that departure of unit within these limitations be withheld when scheduled connections are delayed. (G) Prepares list of railroad cars (except railway post office cars) in which mail is loaded, and maintains record of mail loaded and unloaded in outgoing and incoming trains. Serves notice on railroad company to cancel operation and purchases lesser storage unit in its place when necessary. Prepares official diagram and apjjropriately labels outgoing cars to indicate destination or next relay point. (H) Inspects the loading and unloading of storage mail to secure individual piece count of lesser storage units (thirty feet and less); estimates volume when more than thirty feet. (I) Observes and reports to designated supervisor any failure of the railroad company to afford protection for the mail. (J) Qualifies periodically through examination on knowledge of distributing schemes, postal regulations, space rules, and train connections. (K) In addition, may perform any of the following duties: (i) Receipts for, transfers, and delivers registered mail between trains or between train and post office. (ii) Distributes mail prescribed for distribution in transfer office. ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS.—Reports to a foreman or other designated supervisor. (16) POSITION.—DISTRIBUTION CLERK, R. P. O. OR H. P. O.—LEVEL 5. BASIC FUNCTION.—Distributes mail in raihvay or highway post office prior to departure and while en route. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.—

(A) Determines the fastest or most expeditious dispatch of mail from the standpoint of assignment. I n emergencies, such as floods, storms, wrecks, strikes, and missed connections, redistributes the mail so as to reach destination by the most expeditious alternative means, for example, by other railway post office or highway post office, airmail route, or star route. (B) Distributes mail rapidly into letter case or pouches and sacks. (C) Hangs pouches and sacks in racks and places labels in holders provided; labels letter cases in accordance with official diagram. (D) Prepares mail for dispatch, involving labeling and tying of letter mail in packages for distribution in pouches, closing and locking sacks and pouches, and maintenance of proper separations for connections en route. (E) I n addition, may perform any of the following duties: (i) Receives and dispatches mail en route. (ii) Unloads mail and equipment at terminal of run. (iii) Examines car to ascertain that no mail is left. (iv) Convoys registered mail to post office and connecting lines. (F) Qualifies through examination periodically on knowledge of distributing schemes, postal regulations, space rules, and train schedules. ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS.—Reports to a foreman in charge of the railway post office car or highway post office. (17) POSITION.—CLAIMS CLERK, PAYING OFFICE—LEVEL 5. BASIC FUNCTION.—Examines claims for loss or damage of insured or c. o. d. mail matter and determines and approves for payment the amount found to be due Under postal regulations. 54402 O - 55 - 7