Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/214

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[69 Stat. 172]
[69 Stat. 172]


Highway m a i n tenance, etc*


of Riclimond shall bind itself, its successors and assigns, its lessees and permittees to provide service through said water main and gas main or through any replacement or relocation thereof to said Maritime-Richmond Yard Numbered 3 as is required of water and gas utilities under the laws of the State of California. "SEC. 4. In consideration of the conveyance authorized in section 1 hereof, and in addition to the conditions set forth in section 2 hereof, the city of Richmond will at all times maintain the said public highway to provide and permit perpetual access to the said MaritimeRichmond Yard Numbered 3 via said highway for all purposes, and will bind itself and its successors, assigns, lessees, or permittees, as the case may be, to any of the said pipes and pipelines, to provide and permit such service of water and gas as is required of water and gas utilities under the laws of the State of California through said pipes and pipelines or through any replacement or relocation thereof to said yard, as long as the property presently occupied by said yard is held by the United States." Approved June 22, 1955. Public Law 94



PUBLIC LAW 9 4 - J U N E 28, 1955




June 28, 1955 [S. ^7]

the Federal Government, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House o/ Representatives of the piovees Ocll L v S; _United States i9/ America in Conoi^•ess assembled, That this Act may s a KKy XJr piuyccS , as the "Federal Employees Salary Increase Act of 1955?5 crease Act of 1955. b e C i t e d SEC. 2. (a) Section 603(b) and section 603(c) of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended (65 Stat. 612; 5 U.S.C. sec. 1113 (b) and (c)), are amended to read as follows General S c h e d 't/U\ ule. v ^; The CO mpensation schedule for the General Schedule shall be as follows: Per annum rates


GS-1___ GS-2 GS-3 GS-4___ GS-5 GS-^ GS-7 GS-8 GS-9 GS-10— GS-11__ GS-12__ GS-13__ GS-14__ GS-15__ GS-16__ GS-17__ GS-18__

$2,690 2,960 3,175 3,415 3,670 4,080 4,525 4,970 5,440 5,915 6,390 7,570 8,990 10, 320 11, 610 12,900 13, 975 14,800

$2,775 3,045 3,260 3,500 3,805 4,215 4,660 5,105 5, 575 6,050 6,605 7,785 9,205 10, 535 11,880 13,115 14,190

$2, 860 3,130 3,345 3,585 3,940 4,350 4,795 5,240 5, 710 6,185 6,820 8,000 9,420 10, 750 12,150 13,330 14, 405

$2,945 3, 215 3,430 3,670 4,075 4,485 4,930 5, 375 5,845 6,320 7,035 8,215 9,635 10, 965 12, 420 13, 545 14, 620

$3, 030 3,300 3,515 3,755 4,210 4,620 5,065 5,510 5,980 6,455 7,250 8,430 9,850 11,180 12, 690 13, 760

$3,115 3,385 3,600 3,840 4,345 4,755 5,200 5,645 6,115 6,590 7,465 8,645 10,065 11, 395

$3,200 3,470 3,685 3,925 4,480 4,890 5,335 5,780 6,250 6,725