Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/257

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[69 Stat. 215]
[69 Stat. 215]



PUBLIC LAW 112-JUNE 30, 1955

assets of or derived from insured institutions, payment of insurance, and action for or toward the avoidance, termination, or minimizing of losses in the case of insured institutions, legal fees and expenses, and payments for administrative expenses of the Home Loan Bank Board determined by said Board to be properly allocable to said Corporation, and said Corporation may utilize and may make payment for services and facilities of the Federal home-loan banks, the Federal Reserve banks, the Home Loan Bank Board, and other agencies of the Government: Provided, That not to exceed $90,000 shall be available for expenses of travel: Provided further, That notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, except for the limitation in amount hereinbefore specified, the administrative expenses and other obligations of said Corporation shall be incurred, allowed and paid in accordance with title IV of the Act of June 27, 1934, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1724-1730). Federal Housing Administration: I n addition to the amounts available by or pursuant to law (which shall be transferred to this authorization) for the administrative expenses in carrying out duties imposed by or pursuant to law, not to exceed $5,900,000 of the various funds of the Federal Housing Administration shall be available for expenditure, in accordance with the National Housing Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701): Provided, That, except as herein otherwise provided, all expenses and obligations of said Administration shall be incurred, allowed, and paid in accordance with the provisions of said Act: Provided further, That not to exceed $300,000 shall be available for expenses of travel: Provided further, That funds available for expenditure shall be available for contract actuarial services (not to exceed $1,500); and purchase of periodicals and newspapers (not to exceed $500): Provided further, That expenditures for nonadministrative expenses classified by section 2 of Public Law 387, approved October 25, 1949, shall not exceed $33,000,000. Public Housing Administration: Of the amounts available by law for the administrative expenses of the Public Housing Administration in carrying out duties imposed by law including funds appropriated by title I of this Act not to exceed $8,200,000, shall be available for such expenses, including not to exceed $530,000 for expenses of travel, purchase of not to exceed four passenger motor vehicles for replacement only; and expenses of attendance at meetings of organizations concerned with the work of the Administration: Provided, That necessary expenses of providing representatives of the Administration at the sites of non-Federal projects in connection w4th the construction of such non-Federal projects by public housing agencies with the aid of the Administration, shall be compensated by such agencies by the payment of fixed fees which in the aggregate in relation to the development costs of such projects will cover the costs of rendering such services, and expenditures by the Administration for such purpose shall be considered nonadministrative expenses, and funds received from such payments may be used only for the payment of necessary expenses of providing representatives of the Administration at the sites of non-Federal projects: Provided further, That all expenses of the Public Housing Administration not specifically limited in this Act, in carrying out its duties imposed by law, shall not exceed $1,820,000.


48 Stat. 1255.

48 Stat. 1246.

63 Stat. 905. 12 USC 1702.

CORPORATIONS—GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 202. No part of the funds of, or available for expenditure by. any corporation or agency included in this title shall be used to pay the compensation of any employee engaged in personnel work in excess of the number that would be provided by a ratio of one such employee to one hundred and thirty-five, or a part thereof, fuU-

Personnel work.