Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/269

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[69 Stat. 227]
[69 Stat. 227]

69 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 121-JUNE 30, 1955


exceeding- $870,00()); operation and maintenance of not to exceed eighty-five aircraft; fees and mileage of expert and other witnesses; and purchase and repair of skis and snowshoes; $106,150,000: Provided, That there may be credited to this appropriation, funds received from States, counties, municipalities, and other public authorities for expenses incurred in the maintenance and operation of air-navigation facilities. Establishment of air-navigation facilities: For an additional amount for the acquisition, establishment, and improvement by contract or purchase and hire of air-navigation facilities, including the initial acquisition of necessary sites by lease or grant; the construction and furnishing of quarters and related accommodations for officers and employees of the Civil Aeronautics Administration and the Weather Bureau stationed at remote localities not on foreign soil where such accommodations are not available; the initial flight checking of airnavigation facilities and the transportation by air to and from and within the Territories of the United States of materials and equipment secured under this appropriation; $16,000,000, to remain available until expended. Establishment of air-navigation facilities (liquidation of contract authorization): For liquidation of obligations incurred under authority heretofore granted under this head to enter into contracts, $7,000,000. Grants-in-aid for airports: For project grants authorized by the Federal Airport Act, as amended, to remain available until June 30, lo^us'c ^I'lo i 1958, $20,000,000, of which (1) $19,650,000 shall be for projects in the note. States in accordance with section 6 of said Act, (2) $100,000 for ^gusciios. projects in Puerto Rico, (3) $50,000 for projects in the Virgin Islands, (4)"$100,000 for projects in the Territory of Hawaii, and (5) $100,000 for projects in the Territory of Alaska: Provided,, That the unexpended balances of appropriations previously made under the head "Federal-aid airport program. Federal Airport Act, shall hereafter be merged with and accounted for under this head. Federal-aid airport program. Federal Airport Act (liquidation of contract authorization): For liquidation of obligations incurred under authority heretofore granted under this head to enter into contracts, $7,500,000. Maintenance and operation, Washington National Airport: For expenses incident to the care, operation, maintenance and protection of the Washington National Airport, including purchase of one passenger motor vehicle for replacement only; purchase, cleaning, and repair of uniforms; and arms and ammunition; $1,350,000. Construction, Washington National Airport: For an additional amount for "Construction, Washington National Airport", including construction, alterations, and repairs, $525,000, to remain available until expended. Maintenance and operation of public airports, Territory of Alaska: For expenses necessary for the maintenance, improvement, and operation of public airports in the Territory of Alaska, as authorized by law (48 U.S.C. 485 c-h); including arms and ammunition; and 62 Stat. 278. purchase, repair, and cleaning of uniforms; $600,000. Air navigation development: For expenses necessary for planning and developing a national system of aids to air navigation and air traffic control common to military and civil air navigation, including research, experimental investigations, purchase and development, by contract or otherwise, of new types of air navigation aids (including plans, specifications, and drawings); hire of aircraft; acquisition of necessary sites by lease or grant; payments in advance under contracts for research or development work; and not to exceed $175,000 for administrative expenses; $1,050,000.