Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/331

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[69 Stat. 289]
[69 Stat. 289]

69 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 138-JULY 8, 1965


transferred to any other agency)"; and insert, before the period at the end of said second sentence, the following: ": Provided, That such authority conferred by this sentence shall be exercised in accordance with applicable laws and regulations relating to the Civil Service and Veterans' Preference"'. (c) Add at the end of section 526, which relates to missions and staffs abroad, the following new sentence: "If a P'oreign Service Officer shall be appointed by the President to a position under this section, the period of his service in such capacity shall be considered as constituting an assignment for duty within the meaning of section 571 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended, and such person shall not, by virtue of his acceptance of such an assignment, lose his status as a Foreign Service Officer." (d) In section 530(a), which relates to experts and consultants or organizations thereof, insert "or at the applicable rate prescribed in the Standardized Government Travel Regulations, as amended from time to time, whichever is higher,'" after "at a rate not to exceed $10". (e) In section 534, which relates to reports, strike out "sections 504 and 413 (b)"' in the last sentence and insert "sections 504, 413 (b), and 418"'. SEC. 11. Title V, chapter 3, of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, which relates to repeal and miscellaneous provisions, is amended by adding after section 547, the following new sections: " SEC. 548. I^NEXPENDED BALANCES.—ITnexpended balances of funds heretofore made available under authority of this Act are hereby authorized to be continued available for the general purposes for which appropriated, and may be consolidated with appropriations made available beginning in fiscal year 1956 for the same general purposes under the authority of this Act: Provided, however, That unexpended balances in excess of $200,000,000 not obligated by June 30, 1955, in accordance with the provisions of section 1311 of the Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1955 (Public Law 663, Eightythird Congress), or reserved in accordance with the provisions of section 110 of the Mutual Security Appropriation Act, 1955 (Public Law 778, Eighty-third Congress), are not authorized to be continued available after such date. " SEC. 549.




sense of the Congress that inasmuch as— "(1) the United States, through mutual security programs, has made substantial contributions to the economic recovery and rehabilitation of the nations of western Europe; "(2) due in part to those programs, it has been possible for such nations to achieve complete economic recovery and to regain their military strength; and " (3) certain other friendly nations of the world remain in need of assistance in order that they may defend themselves against aggression and contribute to the security of the free world, those nations that have been assisted in their recovery should, in the future, share with the United States to a greater extent the financial burden of providing aid to those countries which are still in need of assistance of the type provided under this Act. "(b) I t is the sense of the Congress that assistance under this Act shall be administered so as to assist other peoples in their efforts to achieve self-government or independence under circumstances which will enable them to assume an equal station among the free nations of the world and to fulfill their responsibilities for self-government or independence." 5 4 4 0 2 O - 55 - 19

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