Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/333

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69 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 14 1 - J U L Y 11, 1955

Public Law 141



AN ACT To authorize appropriations for the Atomic Energy Commission for acquisition or condemnation of real property or any facilities, or for plant or facility acquisition, construction, or expansion, and for other purposes.

July 11.1955 [H. R. 6795]

Be it ermcted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SEC. 101. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the t i ( ^ ^ appropriaAtomic Energy Commission the sum of $26'9,159,000 for acquisition or „<.'^^ti"'"*'***=•» of property. condemnation of any real property or any facility or for plant or " ""^'•'*" facility acquisition, construction, or expansion, as follows: (a) ATOMIC WEAPONS.—Project 56-a-l, production or development plants or facilities, $20,000,000. (b)


1. Project 56-b-l, power reactor development acceleration project, $25,000,000. 2. Project 56-b-2, fast power breeder pilot facility ( E B R - II), !t;l4,850,000. 3. Project 56-b-3, surface ship reactor facility, $25,000,000. 4. Project 56-b-4, submarine advanced reactor facility, $23,140,000. 5. Project 56-b-5, submarine advanced reactor development facilities, Schenectady, New York, $3,100,000. 6. Project 56-b-6, aircraft nuclear propulsion program plant and test area, Arco, Idaho, $13,000,000. 7. Project 56-b-7, aircraft reactor test plant, $1,437,000. 8. Project 56-b-8, modifications and expansions to A N P ground test plant, Idaho. $1,000,000. 9. Project 56-D-9, special reactor facilities construction program, $2,000,000. 10. Project 56-b-lO, reactor core test facility, Arco, Idaho, $600,000. (c) PHYSICAL RESEARCH.—Project 56-c-l, particle accelerator program, $10,000,000. (d)


1. Project 56-d-l, metallex pilot facility. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, $1,000,000. 2. Project 56-d-2, reactor facilities modifications, Hanford, Washington, $11,900,000. 3. Project 56-d-3, special reactor facilities equipment, Hanford, Washington, $5,600,000. 4. Project 56-d-4, modifications to separations and processing facilities, Hanford, Washington, $2,560,000. 5. Project 56-d-5, conversion of pilot plant and facility to production plant and facility, Fernald, Ohio, $600,000. 6. Project 56-d-6, barrier plant addition. Oak Ridge, Tennessee, $2,200,000. 7. Project 56-d-7, new barrier development plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, $404,000. 8. Project 56-d-8, expansion of metal recovery facility. Oak Ridge National" Laboratory, $370,000. (e)


1. Project o6-e-l, expansion and modification of ore processing plant, Monticello, Utah, $1,550,000. 2. Project 56-e-2, storage sites for vanadium bearing tailings, $500,000. (f) ATOMIC WEAPONS.—

1. Project 56-f-l, art construction project, fiscal year 1956 increment, $17,873,000. 2. Project 56-f-2, expansion of weapons material fabrication plant and facility, $15,000,000.