Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/335

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[69 Stat. 293]
[69 Stat. 293]

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PUBLIC LAW 142-JULY 11, 1955

mated cost of any building included in such project shall be $10,000. 2. For all other programs, the maximum currently estimated cost of any project shall be $500,000 and the maximum currently estimated cost of any building included in such a project shall be $100,000. 3. The total cost of all projects undertaken under subsection 101 (1) shall not exceed the estimated cost set forth in that subsection by more than 10 per centum. SEC. 103. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated funds for advance planning, construction design, and architectural services, in connection with projects which are not otherwise authorized by law, and the Atomic Energy Commission is authorized to use funds currently or otherwise available to it for such purposes. SEC. 104. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated funds necessary to restore or to replace plants or facilities destroyed or otherwise seriously damaged, and the Atomic Energy Commission is authorized to use funds currently or otherwise available to it for such purposes. SEC. 105. In addition to the sums authorized to be appropriated to the Atomic Energy Commission by section 101 of this Act, there are hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Atomic Energy Commission to accomplish the purposes of this Act such sums of money as may be currently available to the Atomic Energy Commission. SEC. 106. Funds authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be used to start any other new project for which an estimate was not included in this Act if it be a substitute for a project authorized in subsections 101(a), 101 (d), or 101 (f), and the estimated cost thereof is within the limit of cost of the project for which substitution is to be made, and the Commission certifies that— (a) the new project is essential to the common defense and security; and (b) the new project is required by changes in weapon characteristics or weapon logistic operations; (c) it is unable to enter into a contract with any person, including a licensee, on terms satisfactory to the Commission to furnish from a privately owned plant or facility the product or services to be provided in the new project. Approved July 11, 1955.

Public Law 142

A d v a n c e planning, etc.

Replacement of plants, etc.

Additional sums.

Substitute projects.


AN ACT To provide for the conveyance of a portion of the Fort Devens Military Reservation, Massachusetts, to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Army is authorized to convey to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts all the right, title, and interest of the United States in and to a tract of land comprising sixty-six acres, more or less, together with buildings and improvements thereon, being a portion of Fort Devens Military Reservation and being the same property now utilized by the Massachusetts National Guard under a license granted by the Secretary of the Army, subject, however, to reservation in the United States of all mineral rights, including gas and oil, in the land authorized to be conveyed by this Act. SEC, 2. The conveyance of the property identified in section 1 of this Act to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall be made without consideration therefor and upon condition that it shall be used for

July 11, 1955 [S. 107]

Fort D e v e n s Military Reservation, Mass. Conveyance.
