Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/340

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[69 Stat. 298]
[69 Stat. 298]


63 Stat. 394. 41 USC 252(c).

P u b l i c ation in FR.

PUBLIC LAW 151-JULY 12, 1955

B r i d g e port, Conn. N o n n a v i gable stream.

Greenwich, Conn. N o n n a v i gable stream.


AN ACT To declare the portion of the waterway at Bridgeport, Connecticut, known as the west branch of Cedar Creek, a nonnavigable stream. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the portion of the waterway in which is located the west branch of Cedar Creek in the town of Bridgeport, Connecticut, lying north of a line extending north 78 degrees 56 minutes 01 second east from a point (773 feet from the northwest corner of the existing bulkhead and pier line) whose coordinates in the Corps of Engineers' Harbor Line System are south 937.23 and west 1,108.40, is hereby declared to be a nonnavigable water of the United States within the meaning of the Constitution and laws of the United States. SEC. 2. The line herein before described shall be established as a combined pierhead and bulkhead line of the west branch of Cedar Creek. SEC. 3. Any project heretofore authorized by an Act of Congress, insofar as such project relates to the above-described portion of the west branch of Cedar Creek, is hereby abandoned. SEC. 4. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved July 12, 1955.; Public Law 152

July 12, 1955 [S. 1300]


••'(d) I n exercising the authority contained in section 411 within the southwestern portion of the District of Columbia, the Administrator of General Services is hereby authorized, pursuant to section 302(c) (14) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, to negotiate purchase contracts, in accordance with title III of such Act. I n negotiating such contracts, the Administrator shall take all practicable steps to insure competition among prospective contractors. "(e) The limitation of three years set forth in the second sentence of section 411(e) shall be read as five years with respect to purchase contracts for projects within the southwestern portion of the District of Columbia. " (f) I n transmitting the prospectus required by section 411 with respect to any proposed purchase contract for a project within the southwestern portion of the District of Columbia, which shall be published in the Federal Register for a period of ten consecutive days from date of submission to the respective committees, the Administrator shall not be required to include the certificate referred to in subdivision (3) of section 411(e)." Approved July 12, 1955.

Public Law 151 July 12, 1955 [S. 1469]



AN ACT To declare a certain portion of the waterway at Greenwich, Connecticut (in which is located the Greenwich Harbor), a nonnavigable stream. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the portion of the waterway in which is located the Greenwich Harbor in the town