Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/466

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[69 Stat. 424]
[69 Stat. 424]


PUBLIC LAW 196-AUG. 1, 1955

[69 S T A T.

the United States, and, if not included in such value, the cost of bringing the material to the United States, but does not include the cost of landing it at the port of importation, or customs duties collected in the United States. For the purposes of this Subparagraph any imported material, used in the production of an article in the United States, shall be considered as having been used in the production of an article subsequently produced in the United States, which is the product of a


chain of production in the United States in the course of which an article, which is the product of one stage of the chain, is used by its producer or another person, in a subsequent stage of the chain, as a material in the production of another article. I t is understood that ,y 'United States articles' do not lose their status as such,

for the purpose of Philippine tariff preferences, by reason of being imported into the Philippines from a jf,, i ii country other than the United States or from an insular possession of the United States or by way of or via such a country or insular possession. " (f) The term 'Philippine article' means an article which is the product of the Philippines, unless, in the case of an article produced with the use of materials imported into the Philippines from any foreign country (except the United States) the aggregate value of such imported ., materials at the time of importation into the Philippines was more than twenty per centum of the value of the article imported into the United States, the value of such article to be determined in accordance with, and as of the time provided by, the customs laws of the United States in effect at the time of importation of such article. As used in this Subparagraph the term 'value', when f, used in reference to a material imported into the Philippines, includes the value of the material ascertained fi under the customs laws of the Philippines in effect at the time of importation into the Philippines, and, if not included in such value, the cost of bringing the material to the Philippines, but does not include the cost of landing it at the port of importation, or customs duties collected in the Philippines. For the purposes of this 1 , Subparagraph any imported material, used in the production of an article in the Philippines, shall be considered as having been used in the production of an ,, article subsequently produced in the Philippines, which is the product of a chain of production in the Philippines in the course of which an article, which is the product of one stage of the chain, is used by its producer or another person, in a subsequent stage of the chain, as a material in the production of another article. It is understood that 'Philippine articles' do not lose their status as such, for the purpose of United States tariff preferences, by reason of being imported into the United ' J States from a country other than the Philippines or ' from an insular possession of the United States or by way of or via such a country or insular possession. " (g) The term 'United States duty' means the rate or rates of ordinary customs duty which (at the time and place of entry, or withdrawal from warehouse, in the United States for consumption, of the Philippine article) would