Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/519

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[69 Stat. 477]
[69 Stat. 477]

69 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 221-AUG. 4, 1955

family or duplex houses, shall expire not less than ninety days after the date of the offer. b. Any property (other than church property) classified for sale under section 41 and offered for sale under section 52, as to which no priority right has been conferred, or as to which all priority rights have expired, shall be advertised for sale to the highest bidder, subject to the right of the Commission to reject any or all bids, and also subject to the right of an occupant of a Government-owned single family or duplex house to buy such house by paying an amount equal to the highest bid. No bid shall be accepted which is below the appraised value or, in the case of Government-owned single and duplex houses is below 85 per centum of the appraised value. c. As to any property which has not been sold under subsection 53 b. within one year after the first advertisement for sale under subsection 53 b. the Commission may make such disposition, on such terms and conditions, as it may deem appropriate, but the Commission shall give an occupant of a Government-owned single family or duplex house such further opportunity to purchase such house as shall be fair and equitable. d. Property for use of churches, in respect of which all priority rights have expired, may be disposed of by advertising and competitive bid, or by negotiated sale or other transfer at such prices, terms, and conditions as the Commission shall determine to be fair and equitable. SEC. 54. CASH SALES.—All sales shall be for cash, and the buyer shall arrange for the necessary financing, except as provided in chapter 6 of this Act. SEC. 55. FORM AND PROVISIONS OF INSTRUMENTS.—Deeds executed

in connection with the disposal of property pursuant to the provisions of this Act— a. shall be as simple as the Commission shall find to be appropriate, and may contain such warranties or covenants of title and other provisions (including any indemnity) as the Commission may deem appropriate; b. with respect to any dormitories or apartment houses and any property used or to be used for construction of housing developments for rental purposes, may retain or acquire such rights to the Commission to designate the future occupants of part or all of such properties as it may deem appropriate to insure the availability of housing for employees of the Commission and its contractors; c. may require that the transferee, his heirs, successors^ and assigns shall compensate the Commission for any municipal services provided by the Commission at rates which will not be in excess of the average tax for such services in the immediate vicinity of the community; and any amounts due and unpaid for such compensation (together with interest and costs thereon) shall, as of the date on which such amounts become delinquent, be a lien in favor of the United States upon the premises sold by the Commission, though not valid as against any mortgagee, ledgee, purchaser, or judgment creditor until notice thereof as been filed in accordance with the laws of the State in which the property is situated or in the office of the clerk of the United States district court for the judicial district in which the property subject to the lien is situated, if such State has not by law provided for the filing of such notice; d. in transferring any property pursuant to sections 31 and 52, may impose such restrictions and requirements relating to the