Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/554

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[69 Stat. 512]
[69 Stat. 512]


PUBLIC LAW 242-AUG. 5, 1955

[69 S T A T.


40 USC mk.*

45 Stat. 1008.

Furniture: For furniture and materials for repairs of the same, including labor, tools, and machinery for furniture repair shops, and for the purchase of packing boxes, $245,000. Miscellaneous items: For miscellaneous items, exclusive of salaries unless specifically ordered by the House of Representatives, including the sum of $30,000 for payment to the Architect of the Capitol in accordance with section 208 of the Act, approved October 9, 1940 (Public Law 812); the exchange, operation, maintenance, and repair of the Clerk's motor vehicles; the exchange, operation, maintenance, and repair of the folding room motortruck; the exchange, maintenance, operation, and repair of the postoffice motor vehicles for carrying the mails; the sum of $600 for hire of automobile for the Sergeant at Arms; materials for folding; and for stationery for the use of committees, departments, and officers of the House; $865,000. Reporting hearings: For stenographic reports of hearings of committees other than special and select committees, $125,000. Special and select committees: For salaries and expenses of special and select committees authorized by the House, $1,250,000. Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation: For the payment of the salaries and other expenses of the Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation, $200,000. Joint Committee on Immigration and Nationality Policy: For salaries and expenses of the Joint Committee on Immigration and Nationality Policy, $20,000. Office of the Coordinator of Information: For salaries and other expenses of the Office of the Coordinator of Information, $82,825. Telegraph and telephone: For telegraph and telephone service, exclusive of personal services, $800,000. Stationery (revolving fund): For a stationery allowance for each Member, for the second session of the Eighty-fourth Congress, $525,600, to remain available until expended. Attending physician's office: For medical supplies, equipment, and contingent expenses of the emergency room and for the attending physician and his assistants, including an allowance of $1,500 to be paid to the attending physician in equal monthly installments as authorized by the Act approved June 27, 1940 (54 Stat. 629), and including an allowance of not to exceed $30 per month each to four assistants as provided by the House resolutions adopted July 1, 1930, January 20, 1932, and November 18, 1940, $8,985. Postage stamps: Postmaster, $320; Clerk, $640; Sergeant at Arms, $480; Doorkeeper, $400; United States airmail and special-delivery postage stamps for each Member, the Speaker, the majority and minority leaders, the majority and minority whips, and to each standing committee, as authorized by law; $92,760. Folding documents: For folding speeches and pamphlets, at a gross rate not exceeding $2 per thousand or for the employment of personnel at a gross rate not exceeding $1.50 per hour per person, $125,000. Revision of laws: For preparation and editing of the laws as authorized by the Act approved May 29, 1928 (1 U.S.C. 59), $13,700, to be expended under the direction of the Committee on the Judiciary. Speaker's automobile: For purchase, exchange, driving, maintenance, repair, and operation of an automobile for the Speaker, $7,200. Automobile for the majority leader: For purchase, exchange, driving, maintenance, repair, and operation of an automobile for the majority leader of the House, $5,835.