Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/597

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[69 Stat. 555]
[69 Stat. 555]




PUBLIC LAW 276-AUG. 9, 1955

neer, Corps of Engineers, Lower Mississippi Valley Division, and submitted to the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on July 5, 1955, at an estimated first cost to the United States of $3,008,000: Provided, That local interests comply with the provisions in the district engineer's recommendations, including contribution of 24.7 per centum of actual construction cost in cash or equivalent work as approved by the Chief of Engineers, for Amite River and Bayou Manchac, presently estimated at $892,000, and 18.6 per centum of actual construction cost in cash or equivalent work, as approved by the Chief of Engineers, for Comite River, presently estimated at $67,000. Approved August 9, 1955.

Public Law 275


AN ACT To authorize the construction within Grand Teton National Park of an alternate route to U. S. Highway 89, also numbered U. S. 187 and U. S. 26, and the conveyance thereof to the State of Wyoming, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress ossemMed, That in order to facilitate public use and enjoyment of the Grand Teton National P a r k and to make possible an appropriate relocation and use of highw^ays through the park, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to construct within the park, upon a location to be agreed upon between the Secretary and the Governor of Wyoming, a h i g h w ^ which shall replace the present U. S. Highway 89, also numbered U. S. 187 and U. S. 26. Upon completion of the said highway, the Secretary is authorized to enter into an agreement with the State of Wyoming, upon such terms and conditions as he deems in the interest of the United States, for the conveyance of the highway to the State in exchange for State and county roads in the park area. Approved August 9, 1955. Public Law 276

August 9, 1955 [S. 19 17]

Grand Teton National Patk. Highway.


AN ACT To authorize the Pueblos of San Lorenzo and Pojoaque in New Mexico to sell certain lands to the Navaho Tribe, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Pueblo of San Ijorenzo, sometimes known as the Pueblo of Picuris, and the Pueblo of Pojoaque in New Mexico are hereby severally authorized to sell to the Navaho Tribe of Indians all of the right, title, and interest of each of said Pueblos in and to any of the lands situated in townships, 6, 7, and 8 north, range 15 west, and township 7 north, range 16 west. New Mexico principal meridian, in Valencia County, New Mexico, the title to which is now held by the United States in trust for either of said Pueblos; and the Navaho Tribe is hereby authorized to purchase all of the right, title, and interest of said Pueblos in and to any of the above-described lands, wiereupon the title to the lands so purchased shall be held by the United States in trust for the Navaho Tribe. All sales under this section shall be for such prices and on such terms as may be agreed upon by the governing bodies of the Pueblo making the sale and of the Navaho Tribe, and as may

August 9, 1955 [S. 1906]

Pueblo Indians. S a l e of land to Navaho Tribe.