Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/614

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[69 Stat. 572]
[69 Stat. 572]

572 6 1 Stat., p t. 2.

61 Stat. 3962.

Court j u d g m e n t s.

P referential claims. P u b l i c ation in FR of time l i m i t s.

PUBLIC LAW 285-AUG. 9, 1955



with Rumania. Awards under this paragraph shall be in amounts not to exceed two-thirds of the loss or damage actually sustained; "(2) pay effective compensation for the nationalization, compulsory liquidation, or other taking, prior to the effective date of this title, of property of nationals of the United States in Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania; and "(3) meet obligations expressed in currency of the United States arising out of contractual or other rights acquired by nationals of the United States prior to April 24, 1941, in the case of Bulgaria, and prior to September 1, 1939, in the case of Hungary and Rumania, and which became payable prior to September 15, 1947. "SEC. 304. The Commission shall receive and determine, in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding and applicable substantive law, including international law, the validity and amount of claims of nationals of the United States against the government of Italy arising out of the war in which Italy was engaged from June 10, 1940, to September 15, 1947, and with respect to which provision was not made in the treaty of peace with Italy. "SEC. 305. (a) The Commission shall receive and determine in accordance with applicable substantive law, including international law, the validity and amounts of— "(1) claims of nationals of the United States against a Russian national originally accruing in favor of a national of the United States with respect to which a judgment was entered in, or a warrant of attachment issued from, any court of the United States or of a State of the United States in favor of a national of the United States, with which judgment, or warrant of attachment a lien was obtained by a national of the United States, prior to November 16, 1933, upon any property in the United States which has been taken, collected, recovered, or liquidated by the Government of the United States pursuant to the Litvinov Assignment. Awards under this paragraph shall not exceed the proceeds of such property as may have been subject to the lien of the judgment or attachment; nor, in the event that such proceeds are less than the aggregate amount of all valid claims so related to the same property, exceed an amount equal to the proportion which each such claim bears to the total amount of such proceeds; and "(2) claims, arising prior to November 16, 1933, of nationals of the United States against the Soviet Government. "(b) Any judgment entered in any court of the United States or of a State of the United States shall be binding upon the Commission in its determination, under paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of this section, of any issue which was determined by the court in which the judgment was entered. "(c) The Commission shall give preference to the disposition of the claims referred to in paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of this section, over all other claims presented to it under this title. "SEC. 306. Within sixty days after the date of enactment of this title, or within sixty days after the date of enactment of legislation making appropriations to the Commission for payment of administrative expenses incurred in carrying out its functions under this title, whichever date is later, the Commission shall publish in the Federal Register the time when and the limit of time within which claims may be filed under this title, which limit shall not be more than one year after such publication, except that with respect to claims under section 305 this limit shall not exceed six months.