Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/618

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[69 Stat. 576]
[69 Stat. 576]


PUBLIC LAW 288-AUG. 9, 1955



after shall include the following described land comprising approximately one hundred and fifty-five acres, which the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to procure in such manner as he shall find to be in the public interest: S IX T H PRINCIPAL, MERIDIAN

Township 53 north, range 65 west, section 18, south half northeast quarter, southeast quarter northwest quarter, north half southeast quarter, those parts lying north of and within a loop of the left bank of the Belle Fourche Eiver; southwest quarter northwest quarter, that part lying west of the left bank of the Belle Fourche River; Township 53 north, range 66 west, section 13, south half northeast quarter. SEC. 2. For land exchange purposes, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to accept title to any land or interests therein situated within the area added to the national monument by this Act, and, in exchange for land or interests therein so accepted, to convey any national monument land or interests therein of approximately equal value situated in the northeast quarter of section 18, township 53 north, range 65 west, and lying east of the Belle Fourche River. National monument lands so conveyed for exchange purposes shall be excluded from the national monument. Approved August 9, 1955,

Public Law 288 August 9, 1955 [S. 2511]

Rice. 52 Stat. 60. 7 USC 1352.

AN ACT To amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 as amended.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of AmeHca in Congress assembled, That section 352 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, is amended by striking out the period at the end of the first sentence thereof and inserting: ": Provided, however. That for 1956 no national acreage allotment shall be established which is less than 85 per centum of the final allotment established for the immediately preceding year.". Approved August 9, 1955.

Public Law 289 August 9, 1955 [S. 2514]

West River. N o n n a v i g able stream.



AN ACT To declare the portion of the waterway of West Haven and New Haven, Connecticut, liuown as the West River, northerly of a line running north 85 degrees 54 minutes 43.5 seconds east from a point whose coordinates in the Corps of Engineers Harbor Line System are north 4,616.76 and west 9,450.80, a nonnavigable stream.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the portion of the waterway in which is located the West River in the town of West Haven, Connecticut, and the city of New Haven, Connecticut, lying northerly of a line extending north 85 degrees 54 minutes 43.5 seconds east, from a point (1,158.535 feet from the most westerly corner of the existing bulkhead and pier line) whose coordinates in the Corps of Engineers Harbor Line System are north 4,616.76 and west 9,450.80, is hereby declared to be a nonnavigable water of the United States