Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/66

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[69 Stat. 24]
[69 Stat. 24]


PUBLIC LAW 2 2 - A P R. 5, 1955

7 USC 1315. Acreage ments.


E x c e s s harvest. 53 Stat. 1261. 7 USC 1313.

7 USC 1313. F a l s e report.

68 Stat. 270. 7 USC 1314.

[H» R. 4941] Foreign Service Act Amendments of 1955. 60 Stat. 1003. 22 USC 868. Appointive salary.

22 USC 888. Salary differ ential.


such redetermined quota, the Secretary of Agriculture shall, within thirty days after the date of the referendum, proclaim the result of the referendum and (1) no quota for hurley tobacco for the 1955-1956 marketing year shall be effective thereafter, and (2) no price support shall be made available on the 1955 crop of hurley tobacco. SEC. 2. Public Law 528, Eighty-second Congress (66 Stat. 597), is hereby amended, effective for the 1956 and subsequent crops of hurley tobacco, to read as follows: "The farm acreage allotment for hurley tobacco for any year shall not be less than the smallest of (1) the allotment established for the farm for the immediately preceding year, (2) five-tenths of an acre, or (3) 10 per centum of the cropland: Provided, however, That no allotment of seven-tenths of an acre or less shall be reduced more than one-tenth of an acre in any one year. The additional acreage required under this Act shall be in addition to the State acreage allotments and the production on such acreage shall be in addition to the national marketing quota." SEC.?). Section 313(g) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, is amended by adding immediately after the first sentence thereof a new sentence to read as follows: "Any acreage of tobacco harvested in excess of the farm acreage allotment for the year 1955, or any subsequent crop shall not be taken into account in establishing State and farm acreage allotments." SEC. 4. The last sentence of section 313(g) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, is amended by adding in the last sentence thereof immediately following the language "if proof of the disposition of any amount of tobacco is not furnished as required by the Secretary" the language "or if any producer on the farm files, or aids or acquiesces in the filing of, any false report with respect to the acreage of tobacco grown on the farm required by regulations issued pursuant to this Act". SEC. 5. Section 314(a) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, is hereby amended, effective July 1, 1955, with respect to flue-cured tobacco, and October 1, 1955, with respect to other kinds of tobacco, by striking out the figure "50" therein and inserting in lieu thereof the figure "75". Approved March 31, 1955. Public Law 22

April 5, i»5S April 5, 1955



rj,Q ftiueiid the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended, and for other purposes

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Foreign Service Act Amendments of 1955". SEC. 2. Section 413 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 413. A person appointed as a Foreign Service officer shall receive basic salary at one of the rates of the class to which he is appointed which the Secretary shall, taking into consideration his age, qualifications, and experience, determine to be appropriate for him to receive." SEC. 3. Section 443 of such Act is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 443. The President may, under such regulations as he may prescribe, establish rates of salary differential, not exceeding 25 per centum of basic salary, for Foreign Service officers. Reserve officers, and staff' officers and employees assigned to posts involving extraor-