Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/661

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[69 Stat. 619]
[69 Stat. 619]

69 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 323-AUG. 9, 1955


promulgated by the Secretary of the Treasury, blanket, position schedule, or other types of surety bonds covering the civilian officers and employees and military personnel of such department or independent establishment who are required by law or administrative ruling to be bonded. The appropriate officials of the legislative and judicial branches of the Federal Government may obtain any or all of such types of surety bonds covering such officers and employees under their respective jurisdictions as such officials may deem appropriate to be bonded. Each bond obtained under this section shall be of the most economical type available for the number and type of personnel to be bonded and shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of the individual or individuals so bonded. The bond premium may cover a period not exceeding two years and shall be paid from any funds available for the payment of administrative expenses at the time such premium becomes payable. Whenever any civilian officers or employees or military personnel are covered by a bond under authority of this section, the surety or sureties on any existing bond of any such civilian officers or employees or military personnel shall not be liable for any defaults occurring subsequent to the date of the new coverage. For purposes of this section, the term 'faithful performance of the duties' shall include the proper accounting for all funds or property received by reason of the position or employment of the individual or individuals so bonded and all duties and responsibilities imposed upon such individual or individuals by law or by regulation issued pursuant to law. "(b) If, in the opinion of the head of the department or independent proposals. ^^^^^^^H^^'^^ '°'" establishment concerned, the premium cost for any bond procured under this section covering officers or employees in the executive branch of the Federal Government will exceed the rate of $150 per annum, the procurement of such bond shall be made by the head of such department or independent establishment only after advertising a sufficient time previously for proposals for the furnishing of such bond, except that such advertising for proposals shall not be required when the public exigencies require the immediate procurement of such bond. "(c) The Secretary of the Treasury shall transmit to the Congress, on or before June 30, 1956, a comprehensive report of the operations of the departments and independent establishments under this section. Thereafter, the Secretary of the Treasury shall transmit to the Con- „^^P°'*^ *° ^°'*" gress on or before October 1 of each year, beginning with the year gress. 1957, a comprehensive report of such operations during the preceding fiscal year. Such report shall include, among other matters, information, in summary and in detail, with respect to operations under this section, setting forth— "(1) the number of officers and employees covered by bonds procured under this section, "(2) the number and types of bonds procured under this section and the individual penal sums thereof, "(3) the amounts of the premiums paid for bonds procured under this section, and "(4) such other information as may be necessary to enable the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service of the Senate and the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service of the House of Representatives to determine the results of operations under this section. The reports submitted by the Secretary of the Treasury under this section shall be delivered to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives (or to the Clerk of the House and the Secretary of the Senate, respectively, if the Congress is not in session) on the same day, and shall be referred to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service of each House."