Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/743

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[69 Stat. 701]
[69 Stat. 701]





12, 1955

(2) he has resided in the District continuously since the beginning of the nine-month period ending on the day he offers to register; and (3) he executes a registration affidavit by signature or mark (unless prevented by physical disability) on the form prescribed by the Board pursuant to subsection (c), showing his political affiliation, and that he meets each of the requirements specified in section 2(2) for a qualified elector as well as the requirement of paragraph (2) of this subsection. Registrat (c) I n administering the provisions of subsection (b)(3), the diwffOT'iSi o n Board shall prepare and use a registration affidavit form in which each request for information is readily understandable and can be satisfied by a concise answer or mark. The Board may request additional information required to determine whether the registrant meets the requirements imposed by or referred to in subsection (b). (d) The registry shall be kept open except during the fifteen-day period ending on the first Tuesday in May of each presidential election year, and except as provided by the Board in the case of a spepial election. AYhile the registry is open, any person may apply for registration or change his registration. (e) If a person is not permitted to register, such person, or any qualified candidate, may appeal to the Board, but not later than three days after the registry is closed for the next election. The Board shall decide within five days after the appeal is perfected whether the challenged elector is entitled to register. If the appeal is denied, the appellant may, within three days after such denial, appeal to the municipal court for the District of Columbia. The decision of such court shall be final and not appealable. If the appeal is upheld by either the Board or the court, the challenged elector shall be allowed to register immediately. If the appeal is pending on election day, the challenged elector may cast a ballot marked "challenged", as provided in section 0(d). N O M I N A T I O N S: C O N T E N T S OF BALLOTS

SEC. 8. (a) Candidates for office participating in an election held pursuant to this Act shall be the persons registered under section 7 who have been nominated for such office by a petition— (1) prepared and presented to the Board in accordance with rules prescribed by the Board, but not later than thirty days before the date of the election; and (2) signed by not less than one hundred voters, registered under section 7, and of the same political party as the nominee. (b) No person shall hold elected office pursuant to this Act unless he has been a bona fide resident of the District of Columbia continuously since the beginning of the three-year period ending on the date of the next election, and is a qualified elector registered under section 7. (c) The Board shall arrange the ballot of each political party so as to enable the voters of such party— (1) to vote for the candidates duly qualified and nominated for election by such party under this Act; and (2) to answer in the affirmative or negative such questions relating to the conduct of the affairs of such party as the duly authorized local committee of such party may file with the Board in writing: Provided, however, That the questions shall be so filed not later than thirty days before the date of the election.

