Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/853

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[69 Stat. 85]
[69 Stat. 85]

69 S T A T. ]

PRIVATE LAW 243-AUG- 1, 1955

degrees 21 minutes 50 seconds east 122.85 feet to a point on the north line of said lot 3; thence south 89 degrees 52 minutes 11 seconds east 114.43 feet along the north line of said lot 3 to the northeast corner thereof; thence south 1 degree 24 minutes 52 seconds east along the east line of said lot 3 for a distance of 1,320.07 feet to the point of beginning; said parcel of land also being described as all that portion of lot 3 of said section 4, less the northerly 375.0 feet thereof, lying easterly of the boundary traverse of Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake (formerly known as the Columbia River Reservoir); and (b) A tract of land containing 0.36 of an acre, more or less, being that portion of lot 1, section 4, township 32 north, range 37 east, Willamette meridian, described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of lot 1 of said section 4 and running thence north 89 degrees 52 minutes 11 seconds west along the south line of said lot 1 a distance of 114.43 feet; thence north 17 degrees 21 minutes 50 seconds east 156.08 feet; thence north 38 degrees 11 minutes 50 seconds east 100.59 feet to a point on the east line of said lot 1; thence south 1 degree 24 minutes 52 seconds east along the east line of said lot 1 a distance of 228.35 feet to the point of beginning; said tract of land also being described as that portion of lot 1 of said section 4 lying easterly of the boundary traverses of Franklin T), Roosevelt Lake (formerly known as the Columbia River Reservoir). SEC. 3. The following-described land shall be conveyed to Walter T. McAviney and Winifred McAviney, husband and wife, of Gifford, Washington: A tract of land containing 2.20 acres, more or less, being all that portion of the north 375.0 feet of lot 3 of section 4, township 32 north, range 37 east, Willamette meridian, lying easterly of the easterly line of the right-of-way for abandoned Primary State Highway Numbered 22, excepting therefrom that portion heretofore conveyed to the United States of America by warranty deed from Ollie Winings (sometimes known as Ollie Winnings), as guardian of the estate of Verva Yeager (nee Gifford) and Roland Gifford, minors, dated November 21, 1938, and recorded in book 103 of deeds, at page 619 under auditor's file numbered 170217, records of Stevens County, Washington, and by warranty deed from Elmer J. Gifford, and others, dated August 1, 1938, and recorded in book 103 of deeds, at page 435 under auditor's file numbered 168052, records of Stevens County, Washington; said tract of land also being described as that portion of the north 375.0 feet of lot 3 of said section 4 lying easterly of the boundary of Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake (formerly known as the Columbia River Reservoir). SEC. 4. The following-described land shall be conveyed to Cull A. White and Katherine M. White, husband and wife, of Quincy, Washington: The east half of the west half of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, section 9, township 28 north, range 32 east, Willamette meridian. SEC. 5. The following-described land containing 39.84 acres, more or less, shall be conveyed to Harvey F. Jones and Joan E. Jones, husband and wife, of Wilbur, Washington: All that portion of the southwest quarter southeast quarter section 14, township 28 north, range 33 east, Willamette meridian, lying southerly of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of the southwest quarter southeast quarter section 14 which bears north 00 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds west 1,268.17 feet from the quarter section corner on the south line of said section 14 and running thence north 75 degrees 29 minutes 15 seconds east 180.91 feet, thence north
