Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/305

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To the children of George Ermatinger, being of Shawnee extraction, two sections collectively.
To Ossinahjeeunoqua, wife of Michael Cadotte, Jr. and each of her children, one section.
To Minedemoeyah, wife of Pierre Duvernay, one section.
To Ogeemaugeezhigoqua, wife of Basil Boileau, one section.
To Kaukaubesheequa, wife of John Baptiste Corbeau, one section.
To John Baptiste Du Chene, son of Pimegeizhigoqua, one section.
To each of the children of Ugwudaushee, by the late Truman A. Warren, one section.
To William Warren, son of Lyman M. Warren, and Mary Cadotte, one section.
To Antoine, Joseph, Louis, Chalot, and Margaret Charette, children of Equameeg, one section.
To the children of Francois Boutcher, by Waussequa, each one section.
To Angelique Brabent, daughter of Waussegundum, and wife of Alexis Brabent, one section.
To Odishqua, of Sault St. Marie, a Chippewa, of unmixed blood, one section.
To Pamidjeewung, of Sault St. Marie, a Chippewa, of unmixed blood, one section.
To Waybossinoqua, and John J. Wayishkee, children of Wayishkee, each one section.




Made and concluded near the mouth of the Jllississinewa, upon Ocz.16, 1826. the Wabash, in the State of Indiana, this sixteenth day of Oc- tober, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Feb. 7, 1827. ' twenty-six, between Lewis Cass, James B. Ray, and John Tapton, Commissioners on the part of the United States, and the Chiefs and Wurriors ey" the Potawatamie Tribe of Indians. ARTICLE 1. Tm-: Potawatamie tribe of Indians cede to the United States their Limd ceded *0 right to all the land within the following limits: Beginning on the T ip- Ummd Sums' pecanoe river, where the Northern boundary of the tract ceded by the Potawatamies to the United States by the treaty of St. Mary’s, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen intersects the same; thence, in a direct line, to a point on Eel river, half way between the mouth of the said river and Pierish’s village; thence up Eel River, to Seek’s village, near the head thereof; thence, in a direct line, to the mouth of a creek emptying into the St. Joseph’s of the Miami, near Metea’s village; thence, up the St. Joseph’s, to the boundary line between the States of Indiana and Ohio; thence, South to the Miami ; thence, up the same, to the reservation at Fort Wayne; thence, with the lines of the said reservation, to the boundary established by the treaty with the Miamies in one thousand eight hundred and eighteen; thence, with the said line, to the Wabash river; thence,

with the same river, to the mouth of the Tippecanoe river; and thence,