Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/331

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TREATY WITH THE CHIPPEWAS, ETC. 1829. 32] ally, forever; and further, the United States agree to make permanent, for the use of the said Indians, the blacksmith’s establishment at Chicago. ARTICLE III. From the cessions aforesaid, there shall be reserved, for the use of C,,,,,,;,, lands the undernamed Chiefs and their bands, the following tracts of land, reserved. viz: For Waupcn-ch-see, five sections of land at the Grand Bois, on Fox River of the Illinois, where Sha_ytee’s Village now stands. For Shab-ch-nay, two sections at his village near the Paw-paw Grove. For Awn-/cate, four sections at the village of Saw-meh-naug, on the Fox River of the Illinois. ARTICLE IV. There shall be granted by the United States, to each of the following Certain tracts persons, (being descendants from Indians,) the following tracts of land, to b¤_er¤¤¤¢d¢¤ viz: To Claude Laframboise, one section of land on the Riviere aux Pleins, adjoining the line of the purchase of 1816. Indians. To Francois Bourbonné, Jr. one section at the Missionary establishment, on the Fox River of the Illinois. To Alexander Robinson, for himself and children, two sections on the Riviere aux Pleins, above and adjoining the tract herein granted to Claude Laframboise. To Pierre Leclerc, one section at the village of the As—sim-in—eh-Kon, or Paw-paw Grove. To Waish-kee-Shatv, a Potawatamie woman, wife of David Laughton, and to her child, one and a half sections at the old village of Nay-ou-Say, at or near the source of the Riviere aux Sablcs of the Illinois. To Billy Caldwell, two and a half sections on the Chicago River, above and adjoining the line of the purchase of 1816. To Victoire Pothier, one half section on the Chicago River, above and adjoining the tract of land herein granted to Billy Caldwell. To Jane Miranda, one quarter section on the Chicago River, above and adjoining the tract herein granted to Victoire Pothier. To Madeline, a Potawatamie woman, wife of Joseph Ogee, one section west of and adjoining the tract herein granted to Pierre Leclerc, at the Paw-paw Grove. To Archange Ouilmette, a Potawatamie woman, wife of Antoine Ouilmette, two sections, for herself and her children, on Lake Michigan, south of and adjoining the northern boundary of the cession herein made by the Indians aforesaid to the United States. To Antoine and Francois Leclerc, one section each, lying on the Mississippi River, north of and adjoining the line drawn due west from the most southern bend of Lake Michigan, where said line strikes the Mississippi River. To Mo-ahway, one quarter section on the north side of and adjoining the tract herein granted to Waish-Kee-Shaw. The tracts of land herein stipulated to be granted, shall never be leased or conveyed by the grantees, or their heirs, to any persons whatever, without the permission of the President of the United States. ARTICLE V. The United States, at the request of the Indians aforesaid, further U_ S_ ,0 my agree to pay to the persons named in the schedule annexed to this clairns against treaty, the surn of eleven thousand six hundred and one dollars; which I"d"‘“’· sum is in full satisfaction of the claims brought by said persons against said Indians, by them acknowledged to be justly due.(a) ARTICLE VI. And it is further agreed, that the United [States] shall, at their own U_S_ ,0 Survey expense, cause to be surveyed, the northern boundary line of the ces- boundary line sion herein made, from Lake Michigan to the Rock River, as soon as °f °°“‘°”· (:1,) For this Schedule, see post, Appendix III., p. 604. M 41