Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/516

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506 TREATY WITH THE MENOMONIES. 1836. O-kah-mans, Nu-bosh, Jo-qu iss, Pali-siss, We-wis-sah, Mat-chis-saw, Nas-waw-kah, Mas-saw, Ash-kum, Me·shaw-ki-to-quah. Ku-wew-nay, Wrrnnsszs :-.1. B. Duret, Secty. E. 0. Cicott. Geo. W. Ewing. Jos. Barron, Interpreter. To the Indian names are subjoined marks. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT Sepz.3, 1836. Made and concluded at Cedar Point, on Foa: river, near Green QQQQQH hay, in the Territory of Wisconsin, this third day g September Feb. 1s, 1837. in the year ry' our Lord one thousand eight hundre and thirty- six between Henry Dodge, Governor of said Territory of Wisconsin, commissioner on the part of the United States, on the one part; and the chiefs and head men of the Jiknomonie nation of Indians, of the other part. Lands ceded Arvrrcnn 1=·nts*1·. The said Menomonie nation agree to cede to the iv the U- S- United States, all of that tract or district of country included within the following boundaries, viz. Beginning at the mouth of Wolf river, and running up and along the same, to a point on the north branch of said river where it crosses the extreme north or rear line of the five hundred thousand acre tract heretofore granted to the New York Indians: thence following the line last mentioned, in a northeastwardly direction, three miles: thence in a northward1y course, to the upper forks of the Menomonie river, at a point to intersect the boundary line between the Menomonie and Chippewa nation of Indians: thence following the said boundary line last mentioned, in an eastwardly direction as defined and A,,,€),,_ 303. established by the treaty of the Little Bute des Mort, in 1827, to the Smooth rock or Shos-kin—aubie river: thence down the said river to where it empties into Green bay, between the Little and Great Bay de Noquet: thence up and along the west side of Green bay, (and including all the islands therein, not heretofore ceded) to the mouth of Fox river: thence up and along the said Fox river, and along the west side of Winnebago lake (including the islands therein) to the mouth of Fox river, where it empties into said lake: thence up and along said Fox river to the place of beginning. (saving and reserving out of the district of country above ceded and described, all that part of the five hundred Am P 349 thousand acre tract, granted by the treaties between the Menomonies AMB; PQ 405; and the United States, made on the eighth day of February A. D. 1831, and on the twenty-seventh day of October A. D. 1832, which may be situated within the boundaries hereinbefore described,) the quantity of land contained in the tract hereby ceded, being estimated at about four millions of acres. Further ces- And the said Menomonie nation do further agree to cede and relinmn- qnish to the United States all that tract or district of country lying upon the Wisconsin river, in said Territory; and included within the following boundaries; viz —Beginning at a point upon said Wisconsin river two miles above the grant or privilege heretofore granted by said nation and the United States, to Amable Grignon; thence running up and along said river forty-eight miles in a direct line: and being three miles