Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/603

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TREATY WITH THE CHIPPEWAS. 1842. 593 ARTICLE VII. This treaty shall be obligatory upon the contracting parties, when Ol>lig¤¢9¤’Y ratified by the President and Senate of the United States. “’h°“ "*“H°d In testimony whereofQ the said Robert Stuart commissioner, on the part of the United States, and the chiefs and headmen of the Chippewa Indians of the Mississippi and Lake Superior, have hereunto set their hands, at La Pointe of Lake Superior, Wisconsin Territory this fourth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-two. ROBERT STUART, Commissioner. JNO. HULBERT, Secretary. Cr0w·wing River, Po go ne gi shik, 1st chief} Do. Son go com ick, 2d do. Sandy Lake, Ka non do ur uin zo, Ist do. Do. Na tum e gaw bon, 2d d0. Gull Lake, Ua be jig, 1st do. Do. . Pay pe si gon de bay, 2d do. Red Ceder Lake, Kui ui sen shis, lst do. Do. Ott taw wance, 2d do. Po ·ke gem maw, Bai ie jig, Ist do. Do. Show ne aw, 2d do. Wisconsin River, Ki uen zi, ist do. Do. Wi aw bis ke kut te way, 2d do. Lac de Flambeau, A pish ka go gi, lst do. Do. May tack cus e quay, 2d do- Do. She maw gon e, 2d do. Lake Bands, Ki ji ua be she shi, lst do. Do. Ke kon o tum, 2d do. Fond du Lac, Shin goob, Ist dc. Do. Na gan nab, 2d do. Do. Meng 0 zet, 2d do. La Pointe, Gitchi waisky, lst do. Do. Mi zi, 2d do. Do. Ta qua gone e, 2d do. Onlonagan, O kon di kan, lst d0. Do. Kis ke taw wac, 2d d0. Ance, Pe na shi, Ist d0. D0. Guck we san sish, 2d d0. Vieux Desert, Ka she usb e, lst d0, Do. Medge waw gwaw wot, 2d d0. Mille Lac, Ne qua ne be, lst d0. Do. Ua shash ko kum, 2d dc. Do. No din, 2d d0- St. Croix, Be zhi ki, 1st do- D0. Ka bi na be, 2d do- Do. Ai aw bens, 2d dc. Snake River, Sha go bi, lst do. Chippewa River, Ua be she shi, lst do. Que way zhan sis, 2d do- Lac Courtulle, Ne na nang eb, 1st do- Do. Be be kon uen, 2d do. Do. Ki eun zi. 2d do. In presence of Henry Blatchfnrd, Interpreter. Samuel Ashmun, Interpreter. Justin Rice. Charles H. Oakes. William A. Aitkin. William Brewster. Charles M. Borup. Z. Platt. C. H. Beaulieu. L. T. Jamison. James P. Scott. Cyrus Mendenhall. L. M. Warren. To the Indian names are suhioined marks. 75 2 z 2