Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/92

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82 TREATY WITH THE DELAWARES. 1804. people) is to be considered as full compensation for the relinquishment made in the first article. Stolen horses Am`. 3. As there is great reason to believe that there are now in the w be r¤¤¤<>r¤d· possession of the said tribe, several horses which have been stolen from citizens of the United States, the chiefs who represent the said tribe are to use their utmost endeavors to have the said horses forthwith delivered to the superintendent of Indian affairs or such persons as he may appoint to receive them. And as the United States can place the utmost reliance on the honour and integrity of those chiefs who have manifested a punctilious regard to the engagements entered into at the treaty of Grenville, it is agreed that in relation to such of the horses stolen as aforesaid, but which have died or been removed beyond the, reach of the chiefs, the United States will compensate the owners for the loss of them without deducting from the annuity of the said tribe the amount of what may be paid in this way. But it is expressly understood that this provision is uot to extend to any horses which have been stolen within the course of twelve months preceding the date hereof Right of the Ama 4. The said tribe having exhibited to the above-named commis- Dclnwares to sioner of the United States sufhcient proof of their right to all the counl"“d“· &°· try which lies between the Ohio and White river, and the Miami tribe who were the original proprietors of the upper part of that country having explicitly acknowledged the title of the Delawares at the general council held at Fort Wayne in the month of June 1803, the said United States will in future consider the Delawares as the rightful owners of all the country which is bounded by the white river on the north, the Ohio on the south, the general boundary line running from the mouth of the Kentucky river on the east, and the tract ceded by this treaty, and that ceded by the treaty of Fort Wayne, on the west and south west. Siipuimim rim; Anr. 5. As the Piankishaw tribe have hitherto obstinately persisted the U-,S- will in refusing to recognize the title of the Delawares to the tract of coungfsélggliaglg try ceded by this treaty, the United States will negociate with them and {Or gn gcknqw. will endeavor to settle the matter, in an amicable way; but should they lpggiglfpgeoggs reject the propositions that may be made to them on this subject, and lawamsr &c·should the United States not think proper to take possession of the said country without their consent; the stipulations and promises herein made on behalf of the United States, shall be null and void. Boumimes, ART. 6. As the road from Vincennes to Clark’s grant will form a &¢=· very inconvenient boundery, and as it is the intention of the parties to these presents that the whole of the said road shall be within the tract ceded to the United States, it is agreed that the boundary in that quarter shall be a straight line to be drawn parallel to the course of the said road from the eastern boundary of the tracts ceded by the treaty of Fort Wayne to Clark’s grant; but the said line is not to pass at a greater distance than half a mile from the most northerly bend of said road, In witnesswhereof the commissioner plenipotentiary of the United States, 'and the chiefs and head men of the said tribe have hereunto set their hands, and affixed their seals. Done at Vincennes the eighteenth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four; and of the independence of the United States, the twenty-ninth. (Signed) WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON.