Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1008

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[70 Stat. 952]
[70 Stat. 952]


PUBLIC LAW 929-AUG. 2, 1956

[70 S T A T.

Commerce, or its successor in function, to erect, maintain, and operate, in the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 29, a middle marker for the adjacent airport. (c) Lynchville area, a tract of land being and lying in the Morningside Heights addition numbered 1000 and part of the north E l Paso Heights addition, located in section 21, block 81, township 2, of the Texas and Pacific Railway survey, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the centerline intersection of Van Buren Avenue (sixty feet wide) and Pollard Street, which is sixty feet wide: Thence bearing 00 degrees 15 minutes east alon^ the centerline of Pollard Street a distance of 2,239.85 feet, plus or minus (plat distance 2,212.0 feet) to the intersection point of the north line of Truman (Buchanan) Avenue with the centerline of Pollard Street; Thence bearing south 89 degrees 45 minutes east along the north line of Truman (Buchanan) Avenue, same line being also the south boundary of the Texas National Guard area, a distance of 1,075.44 feet, plus or minus (plat distance 1,064.4 feet), to a point in the westerly rightof-way line of the Southern Pacific Company (E. P. & S. W.); Thence bearing south 13 degrees 45 minutes west along the said westerly right-of-way line a distance of 1,492.58 feet, plus or minus, to the point of curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 5,779.65 feet and a long chord distance of 705.69 feet and a bearing of south 10 degrees 15 minutes west; Thence running with the arc of said curve along the westerly rightof-way line of the Southern Pacific Company ( E. P. & S. W.) a distance of 706.10 feet, plus or minus to the point of tangent; Thence bearing south 6 degrees 36 minutes west a distance of 94.61 feet, plus or minus, to the intersection of the centerline of Van Buren Avenue extended; Thence bearing north 89 degrees 43 minutes west along the centerline of Van Buren Avenue a distance of 594.0 feet, plus or minus, to the centerline of Pollard Street and the point of beginning; Containing an area of 41.93 acres, more or less, including 1.93 acres in Pollard and Van Buren Streets. I t being the intention of these notes to describe the area between the centerline of Van Buren Avenue and the north boundary of Truman (Buchanan) Avenue and between the centerline of Pollard Street and the westerly right-of-way line of the Southern Pacific Company, subject to existing right-of-way for utility lines. SEC. O. The lands to be conveyed by the city of E l Paso, Texas, to the United States consist of approximately 318.88 acres of land situate in the city and county of E l Paso, Texas, known as the Valdespino area, being a tract or parcel of land lying in section 17, block 81, township 2 of the Texas and Pacific Railway survey. E l Paso County, Texas, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point which is the southwest corner of this tract, and which bears north 1 degree 14 minutes 49 seconds west a distance of 35.0 feet, plus or minus, and then north 88 degrees 41 minutes 7 seconds east a distance of 50.0 feet, plus or minus, from the common corner of sections 16, 17, 21, and 20, in block 81, township 2; Thence north 1 degree 14 minutes 49 seconds west along the west boundary of this tract and the east boundary of Sheridan Road, a distance of 5,271.75 feet, plus or minus, to the northwest corner of this tract, said point also being a corner of that portion of the United States military reservation known as Logan Heights; Thence north 88 degrees 49 minutes 29 seconds east along the northerly line of this tract, and the southeasterly line of the military reservation a distance of 3,327.42 feet to a point;