Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1092

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[70 Stat. 1036]
[70 Stat. 1036]


PUBLIC LAW 982-AUG. 6, 1956 Public Law 982

August 6, 1956 [H. R. 11002]

D. C. brokers.





AN ACT To regulate and license pawnbrokers in the District of Columbia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives United States of America in Congress assembled,

of the


1. That, as used in this Act— (a) The term "person" means an individual, firm, voluntary association, joint-stock company, incorporated society, or corporation. (b) The term "District" means the District of Columoia. (c) The term "Commissioners" means the Commissioners of the District or the agent or agents designated by them to perform any function vested in the Commissioners by this Act: Provided, That for the purposes of subsection (e) of section 7 no such agent shall, by way of appeal, review his own action, decision, or ruling. (d) The term "pawnbroker" means any person who shall in any manner lend or advance money or other things for profit on the pledge and possession of personal property or other valuable thing, other than securities or written or printed evidences of indebtedness or who deals in the purchasing of personal property or other valuable thing on condition of selling the same back again at a stipulated price, and shall include all pawnbrokers referred to in section 4-148, section 4-149, and section 4-150 of the District of Columbia Code of 1951. SECTION


SEC. 2. (a) No person shall engage in business as a pawnbroker except as authorized in this Act and without first obtaining a license from the Commissioners as hereinafter provided. (b) No person, other than a licensee under this Act, shall display any sign or other device in or about any business premises, or in any advertising matter, which in any manner resembles the emblem or sign commonly used by pawnbrokers nor display any sign which is calculated to deceive, nor use the word "pawnbroker" in or about any business premises or in any advertising matter, nor shall any such person hold himself out to the public to be a pawnbroker either by advertising, soliciting, signs, or otherwise. APPOINTMENT OF ATTORNEY A N D APPLICATION FOR LICENSES

Application for license.

SEC. 3. (a) No license shall be issued to any person unless and until such person shall, in writing and in the form prescribed by the Commissioners, appoint the Commissioners as his true and lawful attorney upon whom all judicial and other process or legal notice directed to such person may be served. A copy of any such process or notice so served upon the Commissioners shall be forthwith sent by registered mail by the plaintiff or his attorney to the defendant at his residence or his place of business. (b) Each application for a license under this Act shall be in writing, under oath or affirmation, to the Commissioners in such form as they may prescribe. Such application shall contain (1) in the case of an individual, his name and the address of his residence and place of business, (2) in the case of a firm or voluntary association, the name and address of every member thereof and the address of the place where such business is to be conducted, (3) in the case of a jointstock company, incorporated society, or corporation, the names and addresses of the officers and directors thereof and the address of the