Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1489

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[70 Stat. 35]
[70 Stat. 35]

70 STAT.]


United States Tariff Commission for investigation and report lists of all articles imported into the United States of America to be considered for possible modification of duties and other import restrictions, imposition of additional import restrictions, or continuance of existing customs or excise treatment in the trade agreement negotiations with the governments of the foreign countries referred to in the fourth recital of this proclamation, and the Tariff Commission made an investigation in accordance with section 3 of the said Trade Agreements Extension Act and thereafter reported to me its determinations made pursuant to the said section within the time period specified in the said section 3; 6. WHEREAS reasonable public notice of the intention to conduct trade agreement negotiations was given, the views presented by persons interested in such negotiations were received and considered, and information and advice with respect to such negotiations were sought and obtained from the Departments of State, Agriculture, Commerce, and Defense, and from other sources; 7. WHEREAS, the period for the exercise of the authority of the President to enter into foreign trade agreements under section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, having been extended by section 19 USC 1351. 2 of the Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1955 (69 Stat. 162, ch. 19 USC 1352. 169) from June 12, 1955, until the close of June 30, 1958, on May 23, 1956, as a result of the finding specified in the fourth recital of this proclamation, I entered, through my duly empowered plenipotentiary, into a trade agreement providing for the application of the relevant provisions of the General Agreement to additional schedules of tariff concessions relating to the countries named in the said fourth recital of this proclamation, which trade agreement consists of the Sixth Protocol of Supplementary Concessions to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, dated May 23, 1956, including the Annex thereto containing a supplemental schedule of United States concessions (hereinafter referred to as "Schedule X X (Geneva - 1956)"), and which trade agreement is authentic in the English and French languages as indicated therein, and a copy of which in the English language is annexed to this proclamation; 8. WHEREAS, the Protocol of Supplementary Concessions specified in the seventh recital of this proclamation having been signed on behalf of the Government of the United States of America on May 23, 1956, and the notification of the intention to apply the concessions provided for in Schedule X X (Geneva - 1956) having been given on May 31, 1956, to the Executive Secretary to the Contracting Parties to the General Agreement pursuant to paragraph 2 of the said Protocol of Supplementary Concessions, the said Schedule X X (Geneva - 1956) will become a schedule to the said General Agreement relating to the United States of America on June 30, 1956, and the concessions provided for in the said Schedule X X (Geneva - 1956) shall then enter into force as specified therein; 9. WHEREAS, under the authority of subsection (a)(3)(D) of section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, and of subsection 19 USC 1351 (b)(2) thereof by reference to that subsection, I have determined, in the case of those modifications of existing duties proclaimed in Parts I (a) and II (a) of this proclamation which reflect decreases in duties exceeding the limitations specified in subsection (a)(2)(D) or (a)(3)(B) of the said section 350, or in subsection (b)(2) thereof by reference to those subsections, that such decreases will simplify the computation of the amount of duty imposed with respect to the articles concerned; 10. WHEREAS I have made the determinations regarding the ad valorem equivalent of specific rates of duty (and combinations of
