Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/153

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[70 Stat. 97]
[70 Stat. 97]

70 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 467-APR. 2, 1956


Bureau of the Budget, between such appropriations to the extent necessary to improve administration and operations. TR,\NSPORTATION^

For expenses necessary for the administration and operation of the postal transportation service, including payments for transportation of domestic and foreign mails by air, land, and water transportation facilities, including current and prior fiscal years settlements with foreign countries for handling of mail, $650,000,000. FINANCE

For expenses necessary for the administration of the financial services of the Post Office Department, including the procurement of stamps and accountable paper, $12,900,000. FACILITIES

For expenses necessary for the administration and operation of postal facilities, buildings, vehicles, and field postal communication service; uniforms or allowances therefor, as authorized by the Act of September 1, 1954, as amended (5 U.S.C. 2131); procurement of 68 Stat. ni4. postal supplies and equipment; storage and repair of vehicles owned by, or under control of, units of the National Guard and departments and agencies of the Federal Government where repairs are made necessary because of utilization of such vehicles in the postal service; $189,000,000: Provided, That the aggregate of annual payments for amortization of principal and interest thereon required by all purchase contracts entered into during the fiscal year 1957 pursuant to the Post Office Department Property Act of 1954 (68 Stat. 521), shall not 39 USC 90i note, exceed the unused portion of the $3,000,000 limitation applicable prior to July 1, 1955, under section 202(i) of said Act. GENERAL PROVISIONS—POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Tra SEC. 202. During the current fiscal year, and under such regulations grams. i n i n g as may be prescribed by the Postmaster General, not to exceed an aggregate of $100,000 sHall be available from any funds available to the Post Office Department, as may be determined by him, for expenses necessary to enable the Department to participate in Federal or nonFederal training programs and for necessary expenses of training officers and employees (both departmental and field postal services) in such subjects or courses of instruction in either Federal or nonFederal facilities as will contribute to the improved performance of their official duties: Provided.^ That not more than forty-five of such officers and employees may participate in any training program in a non-Federal facility which is of more than ninety days duration. SEC. 203. Not exceeding $22,000,000 of appropriations in this title J'/n^ *'"*'"^'•'"'**" shall be available for the repair, alteration, and improvement of the mail equipment shops at Washington, D. C, and for payment to the General Services Administration of such additional sums as may be necessary for the repair, alteration, preservation, renovation, improvement, and equipment of federally owned property used for postal purposes of which not to exceed $20,000,000 shall be available for improving lighting, color, and ventilation for the specialized conditions in space occupied for postal purposes.

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