Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1534

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[70 Stat. XXX]
[70 Stat. XXX]




^aere Concurrent Resolutions Continued ^*^® Congress—Continued "Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag", ConMerchant Marine Academy, nomination gressional acceptance of copies of of candidates 25 recording for distribution B54 Moorhead D a m and Reservoir, Mont., "Progress Report on Research in Mediplan approval requirement 476 cine, Biology, and Agriculture Morocco, Presidential relinquishment of Using Radioactive Isotopes", printconsular jurisdiction, approval 773 ing of additional copies of report. _ B 6 8 M u t u a l security program, statement s of "Shortage of Scientific and Engineering policy 565, 566 M a n p o w e r ", printing of additional Niagara Frontier Port Authority, concopies of hearings B53 sent to establish 701 North Atlantic T r e a t y Organization Par"Special Study Mission to the Middle liamentary Conference, appointEast, South and Southeast Asia, m e n t of members to United States and the Western Pacific", printing of additional copies of report B52 group, etc 523 Parking spaces for Members, reservation "Stock M a r k e t S t u d y ", printing of adin District of Columbia 447 ditional copies of hearings B5 "Pledge of Allegiance to the F l a g ", acSudan Parliament, Congressional greetceptance of copies of recording for ings on Sudanese independence B17 distribution B54 " The Great P r e t e n s e ", printing of addiPrinting and binding, appropriation for369 tional copies of report B53 Reports to — Verendrye National Monument, N. Agriculture, Department of— Dak., authority of conferees to conAgricultural Act of 1956, reports sider certain amendments relating under 194, 197, 198, 208, 213 to H. R. 1774 B54 Forest lands, interchange with miliVoting, reciprocal arrangements bet a r y d e part m e n t lands 656 tween states. Congressional apAir Force, Department of the — proval B4 Reserve Officers' Training Corps, Coneross Watershed Project, S. C, nonflight instruction program 806 applicability of certain provisions of Wold-Chamberlain Air Field, Minn., Watershed Protection and Flood P r e claims arising out of crash n e a r. 920 vention Act to 1057 Alaska International Rail and HighConflict-of-interest Statutes. See under way Commission 889 Government Employees. American Battle Monuments ComCongaree River, S. C, obsolescent canalmission, plans for memorial to ized waterway, disposal 1062 Gen. J o h n J. Pershing 84 Congress: Adj ournment B9 Arizona-California b o u n d a r y comAdjournment sine die B70 pact, United States representaAinsworth unit, Missouri River project, tive 1124 approval of Interior Department Army, Department of the — report 160 Reserve Officers' Training Corps, Alaska International Rail and Highway flight instruction program 806 Commission, representation on 888 Wilson D a m and Reservoir, K a n s - . 126 China Communist regime, reiteration of Atomic Energy Commission, transfers opposition to seating in United N a of appropriations 771 tions 304, 735, B 5 4 Board of Trustees of the Federal OldCongressional publications, preparation Age and Survivors Insurance of list of noncurrent and obsolete publications; disposition B69 T r u s t F u n d and Federal DisElectoral votes, date for counting in ability Insurance T r u s t F u n d _ - 8 2 1, 834 1957 54 Boys' Clubs of America, audit 1056 Enrolled bills, etc., signing of, after adBudget, Bureau of the, quarters supjournment B70 plied to Federal employees, operaI n t e r s t a t e compacts, consent granted to. tions under Circular A-45 281 See under I n t e r s t a t e C o m p a c t s. Civil Service Act requirements 652 Joint Committees, Congressional. See Civil Service Commission— separate title. GS-16, 17, and 18, number of posiJoint Recording Facility, a b o l i s h m e n t - 372 tions, etc 762 Mail costs, penalty, appropriation for__ 365