Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1549

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[70 Stat. XLV]
[70 Stat. XLV]

SUBJECT Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act: ^*se Amendments— Coloring of oranges, continued 512 Definitions and standards for food 919 Regulations, simplified procedures for establishing 919 Definition of dry milk solids 486 Funds for effecting provisions 427 Federal Highway Administrator. See Bureau of Public Roads under Commerce, Department of. Federal Home Loan Bank Board. See under Housing. Federal Housing Administration. See under Housing. Federal Insurance Contributions Act. See under Taxes. Federal Intermediate Credit Banks, appropriation for 240 Federal Maritime Board. See Maritime activities under Commerce, Department of. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service: Appropriation for 178, 437 Associate Director, salary 739 Director, salary 737 Federal National Mortgage Association. See under Housing. Federal Power Commission: Appropriation for 178, 342 Chairman, salary 737 Members, salary 738 P a s s a m a q u o d d y tidal power project, assistance in survey 9 Federal Prison Industries, Inc., appropriation for 182, 313 Federal Prison System. See under Justice, Department of. Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949: Appropriation for effecting provisions, _ 343, 344, 435, 686 Surplus property amendments — Disposal for civil defense purposes 493 Negotiation for disposal, extension of authority 1020 Federal Register: Filing of documents, suspension of requirements in an emergency; altern a t e system for promulgating, e t c. 337 Printing, binding, and distribution, appropriation for 369 Publication in, requirements— Army, Department of, availability of salable lands in reservoir areas for cottage site development 1065 Commerce Department, safety devices required on household refrigerators, standard s prescribed and published by 953



Federal Register—Continued ^^^^ Publication in, requirements—Con. Food and D r u g Administration, notices with regard to objections filed to stay effectiveness of orders under Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act 919 Interior Department — Fish and Wildlife Service, notice of reorganization of 1121 Indians, final rolls and termination of Federal t r u s t — O t t a w a Tribe, Oklahoma 965 Peoria Tribe, Oklahoma 938 W y and o t t e Tribe, O k l a h o m a.. 893, 896 Menominee Indians, tribal property control plan for 549 Virgin Islands National Park, notice of establishment 941 Justice Department, notice of transfer of certain assets under T r a d i n g With the E n e m y Act, etc 1072 Sugar Act of 1948, regulations implementing 221 Theodore Roosevelt National M e m o rial Park, boundary adjustments. _ 56 Federal Regulations, Code of, appropriation for printing, binding, and distribution 369 Federal Reserve Act, Amendment, government obligations, time extension for purchase and sale of 339 Federal Reserve System Board of Governors: B a n k Holding Company Act of 1956.._ 133 Chairman, salary 737 Members, salary 738 Report to Congress 137 Federal Savings and Loan Advisory Council, reimbursement for transportation expenses 352 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, availability of funds 353 Federal Seed Act, Amendments 508, 908 Federal Ship Mortgage Insurance, clarification .... 332 Federal Supply Service: Appropriation for 166, 178, 343 Commissioner, salary 739 "Federal Tax Policy for Economic Growth and Stability", printing of additional copies of hearings B5 Federal Trade Commission: Appropriation for 165, 178, 342 Chairman, salary 737 Members, salary 738 Federal Water Pollution Control Act 498 Funds available 769 Federal Water Power Act, Amendment, maritime navigation aids, authority to prescribe and enforce 226