Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1558

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Harvey Point, N. C, construction of faPaee cilities authorized 996 Hatch Act (Experiment Stations), appropriation for effecting provisions 230 Hatch Act (Political Activities). See P o litical Activities, Pernicious. Hawaii: Agricultural experiment stations, appropriation for 230 Agricultural extension work, appropriation for 179,231 Appropriation for administration 264 Bond issuance authority — Highway revenue bonds 545 Public improvement bonds 526 Certification of air carriers operating in_ 591 Circuit court judges— Compensation increase 123 Salaries, appropriation for 309 Term of office 130 Comptroller, deputy comptroller, and post auditor, designation of 920 Conservation reserve program under Soil Bank Act, applicability 195 Crime, prevention of, consent of Congress to I n t e r s t a t e Compacts for cooperation in, extension to 1020 Debt limitation, clarification of 552 District judges, annuities for widows and surviving dependent children. 1021 Fish and wildlife restoration, Federal aid 169,473 General Services Administration, purchases through 264 Geophysical institute, investigation by National Science Foundation into need for 921 Governor, salary 739 Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, amendments — Irrigation projects, authority of Commission to g r a n t licenses for water facilities to enable construction of, etc 915 Molokai irrigation and water utilization system, application of grantin-aid funds to construction of, etc 915 Honolulu, public improvement bonds, issuance authority 526 Insured mortgages, purchase and sale by Federal National Mortgage Association 1096 Japanese ancestry organizations, claims for r e t u r n of lands conveyed to Territory during World War II 214 Judges, appropriation for salaries 309 Keoshi Matsunaga, use of land p a t e n t e d to, for church purposes 101 Legislature 903

INDEX Hawaii—Continued Page Leprosy, payment to Territory for care of persons afflicted with, funds available 431 Military installations and facilities, construction authorized 993, 999, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1011 National Bureau of Standard s — Appropriation for construction of field station building at Maui 321 Funds available for land acquisition for radio propagation field station 163 Organic Act, amendments 102, 104, 130, 785, 903, 918, 920 Public lands— Irrigation projects, inclusion in 102 Ratification of certain sales to a b u t ting landowners 102 Restoration to Territorial government of certain lands at K a a k a u k u k u i 901 Restrictions as to use of certain lands, amendments to p a t e n t s authorized 104 Sale, authority of Commissioner 104, 723, 728, 785, 916, 918 School construction, extension of bonding authority 552 Social security coverage for certain State and local employees and nonprofessional school district employees 825, 826 Sugar Act of 1948, quota provisions under 217,219 Supreme court justices— Compensation increase 123 Salaries, appropriation for 309 Term of office 130 Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act, applicability 1090 Hawthorne, Nev., construction of facilities authorized 1001 Hay Seed, appropriation for reimbursement of Commodity Credit Corporation for costs of transfer to Federal land-administering agencies 239 Hayden Lake Unit, Rathdrum Prairie Project, Idaho, funds available for emergency rehabilitation 476 Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of: American Printing House for the Blind— Appropriation for 427 Books, wider distribution authorized, appropriation increase 938 Appropriation Act 427 Appropriation for 170, 180, 427, 688, 768 Assistant Secretaries, salary 738 Dependents' Medical Care Act 250