Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1561

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[70 Stat. LVII]
[70 Stat. LVII]



^"^^ Hospitals—Continued ^**^* House of Representatives—Continued Appropriations Committee—Continued Army-Navy Hospital, Hot Springs National Reports to—Continued Park, Ark., maintenance, operation, Defense Department— availability 457 Disbursement of appropriation Atomic energy reactors, grants for confor contingencies 455 struction for educational and trainProperties, etc., received from ing activities 1069 foreign countries 471 District of Columbia— Scrap or salvage materials, proGeneral Hospital, capital outlay for ceeds from sale of 469 construction, appropriation for. _ 692 Mutual security program, engineerHospital facilities, appropriation for ing fees 734 liquidation of contract authorization 343 Armed Services Committee, Defense Department reports to— Indigent patients, appropriation for Appointment of certain officers under reimbursement for care of 444 Armed Forces Regular Officer Sibley Hospital, relief from tax liability. 83 Augmentation Act of 1956 588 Florida State Hospital, Chattahoochee, Fla., relief of liability for cotton Armed Forces military construction planted in excess of 1954 acreage reports and notification 1012, 1016, 1018, 1019 allotment 511 Dependents' Medical Care Act 253 Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of— Banking and Currency Committee, reFreedmen's Hospital, appropriation port to, instances and reasons for requirement of Defense Secretary for 180, 427 to guarantee Armed Services HousPublic Health Service, appropriation ing Mortgage Insurance Fund by for 431, 688, 769 Federal Housing Commissioner 1109 Saint Elizabeths Hospital, appropriation for 180, 433 Buchanan, Vera, appropriation for payment to daughters of 14 Military facilities, construction authorized 992, 998 Chaplain, Office of, appropriation for... 361 Clerk, Office of— Murphy General Hospital, Boston, Mass., maintenance, operation, and availAppropriation for 361 ability 457 Appropriations, lapsed and expired, nonapplicability of simplification Public Health Service Hospital, Carville, La., settlement of claims for provisions 650 House Recording Studio, functions of residential structures 158 Clerk relating to 370, 371 Appropriation for 688 Clerk hire— Survey and construction, assistance to Appropriation for 177, 362 States for 929 Increase in certain cases 990 Veterans. See Hospital and domiciliary facilities under Veterans. Payments for, authority 990 House of Representatives. See also ConCommittees. See also individual comgress; Legislative Branch of the Govmittees this title. ernment. Employees— Administrative provision 363 Appropriation for 361 Agriculture committee, watershed proConflict-of-interest statutes, nontection and flood prevention projapplicability to certain members. 1027 ects, approval by 1088 Joint. See Joint Committees, ConAppropriation for 14, gressional. 175, 177, 361, 694, 773 Special and select, appropriation for.. 362 Appropriations Committee— Contingent expenses, appropriation for. 175, Appropriation for 361, 362 177, 362, 694, 773 Budget Bureau Circular A-45, apCoordinator of Information, approproval requirement for amendpriation for Office of 177,362 ments 281 Dingell, John D., appropriation for payReports to— ment to widow of 14 Alien Property, Office of, expenses Doorkeeper, Office of, appropriation for. 361 incurred in connection with Electoral votes, date for counting in 1957. 54 activities 308 Folding documents, rate of compensation.. 363 Atomic Energy Commission, transGranahan, William T., appropriation fer of appropriations 771 for payment to widow of 694 I

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