Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/157

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[70 Stat. 101]
[70 Stat. 101]




PUBLIC LAW 476-APR. 6, 1956

eighty feet, more or less, on the west side of Stone Street, a frontage of eighty feet, more or less, on the north side of Estill Avenue, and being bounded on the north by Bay Street, on the east by Stone Street, on the south by Estill Avenue, and on the west by a lot numbered 7 of block 2, Bay W a r d; also 2. All that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land lying and being in the State of Georgia, county of Chatham, on Tybee Island, known and designated on the map or plan of the town of Tybee (now Savannah Beach) made by Percy Sugden, civil engineer, July 20, 1928, as lot numbered 1 of block 3, Bay Ward, said lot having a frontage of ninety feet, more or less, on the east side of Stone Street and a frontage of fifty feet, more or less, on the south side of Bay Street, and being bounded as follows: On the north by Bay Street, on the east by lot numbered 2 of block 3, Bay Ward, on the south by lot numbered 10 of block 3, Bay Ward, and on the west by Stone Street; also 3. All that certain lot,' ract, or parcel of land lying and being in the State of Georgia, county of Chatham, on Tybee Island, opposite to lots numbered 6, 7, and 8 in block 2, Bay Ward, to lot numbered 1, in block 3, Bay Ward, and to a street sixty feet in width known as Stone Street, said lots and street being known and designated on a map or plan of the town of Tybee (now Savannah Beach) made by Percy Sugden, civil engineer, July 20, 1928, the southerly side of said lot or arcel of land being three hundred and fifty feet, more or less, in width, ounded by a street known as Bay Street, seventy-five feet in width, said Bay Street separating said lot or parcel of land from the lots aforesaid; and the western and eastern sides of said lot or parcel of land being projections of the western side of said lot numbered 6 and of the eastern side of lot numbered 1 aforesaid, each beginning at said street seventy-five feet in width, and extending northwardly to the low-water mark of the Savannah River. Approved April 6, 1956.


Public Law 476


To authorize the amendment of the restrictive covenant on land patent numbered 10,410, issued to Keoshi Matsunaga, his heirs or assigns, on July 20, 1936, and covering lot 48 of Ponahawai house lots, situated in the county of Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii.

April 6, 1956 [H. R. 6824]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the commis- "aTd^*patent si oner of public lands of the Territory of Hawaii, with the consent covenant, of the Governor of said Territory of Hawaii, be authorized to amend the restrictive covenant set forth in land patent numbei"ed 10,410, so that said restrictive covenant will read as follows: "The land herein described and conveyed is granted and conveyed upon the covenant running with the land, that said land is to be used for religious and/or school purposes only, and in the event of its being used for other than religious and/or school purposes, this patent shall become void, and the whole of said land, together with the fee thereof, and the improvements thereon, shall, without warrant or other legal process, immediately revert to and revest in the Territory of Hawaii." SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect on and after the date of its Effective date, approval. Approved April 6, 1956.