Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1577

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[70 Stat. LXXIII]
[70 Stat. LXXIII]



^"^^ page Labor, Department of—Continued Personnel work, restriction on number of employees in 438 259 Public Contracts Division, salary of Administrator 737 183 Publicity or propaganda, restriction on use of funds for 438 993 Report to Congress, audit of Longshore563 men's and Harbor Workers' special fund 656 L Secretary, Office of, appropriation for_ 182, 423 Secretary, salary 736 La Barge Project, Wyo., Colorado River Social security, membership of Secretary storage project 105 on Board of Trustees of the Trust La Crosse National Guard Target Range, Funds 820 Wis., conveyance of certain lands by Solicitor, Office of, appropriation for 182, Army to State 576 423, 768 Labor, Department of: Under Secretary, salary 737 American Samoa Labor Standards Unemployment compensation, approAmendments of 1956 1118 priation for 51, 424 Apprenticeship, Bureau of, approprilinemployment compensation for veteration for 182, 424 ans, appropriation for, transfer of Appropriation Act 423 funds from 170, 182 Appropriation for 51, 170, 182, 423, 768 Veterans' Remployment Rights, BuAssistant Secretaries, salary 738 reau of, appropriation for 182,423 Davis-Bacon Act, applicability under Wage and Hour Division— Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956.. 385 Administrator, salary 737 Detention by enemy, compensation for Appropriation for 182, 426 death or disability after, time exWar-risk hazards, compensation for intension 519 juries or deaths resulting from, time Employees' Compensation, Bureau of— extension 519 Appropriation for 182, 425, 768 Women's Bureau, appropriation for.. 182, 426 District of Columbia, transfer of funds from 440 Labor-Management Panel, funds available for expenses 437 Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Labor-Management Problems of Americompensation fund, funds availcan Merchant Marine, printing of able from 768 additional copies of hearings on B68 Employees' compensation, Reserve Officers' Training Corps, flight instrucLabor-Management Relations Act, 1947, tion _ 805 funds for effecting provisions.. 423, 436, 437 Employees' Compensation Appeals Labor Relations Board, National. See Board, appropriation for 425 National Labor Relations Board. Employment Security, Bureau of, apLabor Standards, Bureau of, appropriapropriation for 51, 170, 182, 424 tion for 182, 423 Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. See Labor Statistics, Bureau of, appropriation separate title. for 182, 426 Federal Employees' Compensation Act. Lackland Air Force Base, Tex., construcSee separate title. tion of facilities authorized 1005 General provisions, Appropriation Act. 426, 438 Grants to States, appropriation for 424, 425 Ladd Air Force Base, Alaska, construction of facilities authorized 993, 1011 Labor Standards, Bureau of, appropriation for 182, 423 Lake Berryessa, Calif., reservoir above Monticello Dam, Napa County, Labor Statistics, Bureau of, appropriCalif., designated as 118 ation for 182, 426 Lake Charles Air Force Base, La., conLongshoremen's and Harbor Workers' struction of facilities authorized 1008 Compensation Act. See separate Lake County, Calif., conveyance of Lower title. Mexican farm labor program, appropriLake Rancheria to 58,595 ation for 170, 182,425 Lake County, Oreg., conveyance of land National Health Survey Act, agency coto School District No. 24 by Interior operation under 490 Department 65 Klamath Indian Reservation, Oreg., purchase of lands in, for Modoc Point Indian irrigation system Korea: Appropriation for educational aid for, transfer of funds from

Construction of military facilities authorized Mutual security assistance

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