Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1581

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[70 Stat. LXXVII]
[70 Stat. LXXVII]

SUBJECT INDEX Merchant Marine Academy: ^*^® Academic advisory board, appointment. 524 Appropriation for 318 Maintenance, appointments, etc 25 Merchant Marine Act, 1920, amendment, vessels rebuilt in foreign yards, exclusion from coastwise trade 544 Merchant Marine Act, 1936: Amendments— Experimental operation and testing of vessels by Commerce Department 531 Federal ship mortgage insurance, clarification 332 Merchant Marine Academy, maintenance, appointments, etc 25 New ship construction, mortgage insurance 1087 Nuclear-powered merchant ship, construction, personnel, etc., appropriation authorized 731 Operating-diflFerential subsidies, computation of 10-year recapture period 148 Reports, performance and utilization of vessel 332 Shipbuilding, periodic survey of privately owned shipyards 657 Transportation of privately owned vehicles of Government personnel on privately owned ships 187 War risk insurance, single standard of valuations, etc 984 Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 317 Merchant Marine Labor-Management Problems, printing of additional copies of hearings on B68 Merchant Ship Sales Act of 1946, Amendment, purchase price adjustment 1068 Meridian, Miss., construction of facilities authorized 995 Metabolic Diseases, appropriation for control 180, 433 Metal Scrap, suspension of duties and import taxes on, time extension; exceptions 553 Metropolitan Police. See under District of Columbia. Mexican Border Facilities, cost limitation increase for customs and immigration enforcement 159 Mexican Farm Labor Program, appropriation for 170, 182,425 Mexico: International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, appropriation for 183,301 Sugar Act of 1948, quota provisions under 218 Michigan, Great Lakes Fishery Act of 1966 242


Microbiology Activities, appropriation ^"*f® for 180, 433 Middle Atlantic Interstate Forest Fire Protection Compact, consent of Congress 636 Middle East, mutual security assistance.. 557 Appropriation for 734 Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, N. Mex., contracts for payments of designated charges, time extension of authority of Secretary of Interior 221 Midway Island, Armed Services housing mortgage insurance, extension to 1109 Migrants: Appropriation for contributions to Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration 734 Interstate transportation, requirements for motor carriers 958 Restriction on assistance to persons without security clearance 734 Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act, Amendment, redemption and disposal of unused stamps, etc 722 Mikveh Israel Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa., designation as a unit of the Independence National Historical P a r k.. 1074 Miles City, Mont.: Fish hatchery, establishment and maintenance, authorized 247 Land conveyance authorized 186 Military Academy, United States: Academy appointees, continuation of enlistment contract 333 Cadets, appointment in commissioned grade 583, 585 Librarian, detail of retired officer as 456 Survivor Benefits Act 857 Military Construction Act of 1955, Amendment 57 Military Construction Act of 1956 991 Military Decorations. See Medals and Decorations. Military Personnel Claims Act of 1945, Amendment, removal of limitation.. 255 Milk: Dry milk solids, definition 486 Funds for effecting provisions of milk laws 427 Increase in consumption of fluid milk by children in certain nonprofit institutions, funds available 86 Milton, Fla., transfer of housing project to Defense Department 1105 Milwaukee, Wis., conveyance of certain land to 26 Mine Safety Board of Review, Federal Coal, appropriation for 267 Mineral Industries, Census of, appropriation for.. 179, 314