Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1608

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[70 Stat. CIV]
[70 Stat. CIV]



Sewart Air Force Base, Tenn., construe^^^^ tion of facilities authorized 1010 Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N. C, construction of facilities a u t h o r i z e d. _ 1010 Sharpe General Depot, Calif., construction of facilities authorized 991 Shaw Air Force Base, S. C, construction of facilities authorized 1010 Sheppard Air Force Base, Tex., construction of facilities authorized 1006 Shoe Last Lathes, import d u t y suspension. 1076 Shore Protection, Federal participation in cost authorized 702 "Shortage of Scientific and Engineering Manpower", printing of additional copies of hearings B53 Shoshone and Arapahoe Tribes, Wind River Reservation, Wyo.: Conveyance of certain lands to United States J 987 Per capita payments, t i m e extension 643 Sibley Hospital, D. C, relief from tax liability 83 Sidney Lanier Lake, designation 66 Silt Project, Colo., Colorado River storage project 105 Sioux City Municipal Airport, Iowa, construction of facilities authorized 1003 Sioux Indians, Pine Ridge Tribe, appropriation for payment of claims 766 Small Business: Defense Department, assistance to 469 Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956, participation under 386 Small Business Act of 1953. See separate title. Small Business Administration. See separate title. Small Business, Select Committees of Senate and House on, use of foreign currencies 560 Small Business Act of 1953, Amendments: Disaster loans, funds available, terms, and interest rates 10 Extension or renewal of loans 11 Funds available for revolving fund 10 Small Business Administration: Administrator, salary 737 Appropriation for 163, 178, 324 Deputy Administrator, salary 739 Small Business Act of 1953. See separate title. Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956.. 1044 Smith Fork Project, Colo., Colorado River storage project 105 Smith-Lever Act, appropriation for effecting provisions 231 Smithsonian Institution: Appropriation for 178, 272

INDEX Smithsonian Institution—Continued Board of Regents, appointments — DeGolyer, E v e r e t t e Lee 98 Greenewalt, Crawford Hallock 98 Haskins, Caryl Parker 98 Smoke and Air Pollution Studies, Interstate Sanitation Commission, New York, New Jersey, and C o n n e c t i c u t.. 966 Smoky Hill Air Force Base, Kans., construction of facilities authorized 1009 Soap Lake, Wash., funds available for protection of medicinal waters 476 Social Security Act: Amendments— Advisory Council on Social Security Financing, establishment, duties, etc 833 Agricultural labor— Crew leaders 828, 841 Employees paid $150 or more in a year or working 20 or more days for cash remuneration computed on a time basis_._ 828, 841 F a r m operators, computation of self-employment income 828, 842 Foreign agricultural workers temporarily a d m i t t e d to United States, exclusion from coverage 824, 840 Quarters of coverage for wages from $100-$199 828 Share-farming arrangements 824, 840 Aliens outside the United States, suspension of benefits 835 Alternative insured s t a t u s when all b u t four of the quarters after 1954 and before July 1, 1957, or retirement age or death are quarters of coverage 830 Average monthly wage, computation in cases involving periods of disability 832 Child welfare services, appropriation authorized 856 Children disabled before age 18— Child's insurance benefits after age 18 807 P a r e n t ' s insurance benefits, effect on 808 Reduction of benefits because of refusal to accept rehabilitation services or payments under other programs 808, 816, 817 Communist organizations, exclusion of employment by 839 Correction of Secretary's records, time limitation 829 Deportation, denial of disability benefits in cases of 818