Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1610

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[70 Stat. CVI]
[70 Stat. CVI]



Social Security Act—Continued ^^^^ Amendments—Continued Women— Adjustment of benefit amounts in accordance with age 810 Disability insurance benefits, restriction on entitlement when entitled to other benefits 813 Presumed filing of application by women eligible for old-age and wife's insurance benefits 813 Retirement age for 809 Waiver of entitlement before age 65, etc 814 Widows, effect of remarriage 831 Civil Air Patrol members, certification of insurance status 980 Coast G u a r d Reserve members, certification of insurance s t a t u s 982 Funds for effecting provisions 171, 181, 424, 425, 434, 435 Social Security Administration: Appropriation for 171, 181, 434 Board of Trustees of the T r u s t Funds, Commissioner as Secretary 821 Children's Bureau, appropriation for. 181, 434 Commissioner, Office of, appropriation for 181,435 Commissioner, salary 739 Federal old-age and survivors' insurance t r u s t fund, availability of funds from 181 Grants to States, appropriation for 171 Motor vehicles, transfers 436 Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, Bureau of— Appropriation for 181, 434 District of Columbia district offices, funds available for rent of quarters 434 Public Assistance, Bureau of, appropriation for 181, 434 Social Security Amendments of 1956 807 Withholding of funds from State agencies, restriction 436 Social Security Financing, Advisory Council on, establishment, duties, etc 833 Soil and Water Conservation, Advisory Committee on, expense allowance paid by Department of Agriculture 989 Soil Bank Act. See Agricultural Act of 1956. Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act: Amendments— Availability of funds to agencies for technical services 1033 Great Plains conservation program __ 1115 Payments on certificate of claimants under agricultural conservation program 1033

INDEX Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act—Continued Amendments—Continued Soil conservation payments, extension 597 State committees, approval of agricultural conservation practices 1033 Water conservation practices, repeal of limitation to arid and semiarid sections 105 Appropriation for effecting provisions.. 231, 232, 233 Soil Conservation Service. See under Agriculture, Department of. Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940, amendment, insurance provisions 528 Soldiers' Home, United States: Appropriation for 180, 437 Retired military personnel on duty, exemption from retired pay limitation. 456 Sorghums, price support for 1956 crop 206 South Carolina: Rural Rehabilitation Corporation, conveyance of United States interest in certain lands, consent requirements 99 Social security coverage for policemen and firemen 826 South Dakota: Fossil Cycad National Monument, abolishment 898 Great Plains conservation program 1115 Pine Ridge Sioux Tribe of Indians, distribution of funds to certain members 625 Social security coverage for policemen and firemen 826 South Park Military Reservation, Pa., construction of facilities a u t h o r i z e d. 992 Southeastern Power Administration, appropriation for 171, 474, 771

Southwest Contra Costa County Water District System, restriction on funds for 476 Southwestern Power Administration, appropriation for 474, 475 Soybeans, price support 212 Spain, appropriation for defense assistance to 733 "Special Study Mission to the Middle East, South, and Southeast Asia, and the Western Pacific", printing of additional copies of report B52 Stamford, Conn., First Presbyterian Church, duty-free importation of stained glass 1067 Standards, National Bureau of. See National Bureau of Standards under Commerce, Department of.