Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/164

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[70 Stat. 108]
[70 Stat. 108]


PUBLIC LAW 485-APR. 11, 1956

[70 S T A T.

shall remain available until expended, as hereafter provided, for carrying out provisions of this Act other than section 8. (b) AH appropriations made for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act, other than section 8, shall be credited to the Basin Fund as advances from the general fund of the Treasury. re^emiVs!*'""^ °' (c) All rcveuues collected in connection with the operation of the Colorado River storage project and participating projects shall be credited to the Basin Fund, and shall be available, without further appropriation, for (1) defraying the costs of operation, maintenance, and replacements of, and emergency expenditures for, all facilities oi the Colorado River storage project and participating projects, within such separate limitations as may be included in annual appropriation acts: Provided., That with respect to each participating project, such costs shall be paid from revenues received from each such project; (2) payment as required by subsection (d) of this section; and (3) payment as required by subsection (e) of this section. Revenues credited to the Basin F u n d shall not be available for appropriation for construction of the units and participating projects authorized by or pursuant to this Act. (d) Revenues in the Basin F u n d in excess of operating needs shall be paid annually to the general fund of the Treasury to return— (1) the costs of each unit, participating project, or any separable feature thereof which are allocated to power pursuant to section 6 of this Act, within a period not exceeding fifty years from the date of completion of such unit, participating project, or separable feature thereof; (2) the costs of each unit, participating project, or any separable feature thereof which are allocated to municipal water supply pursuant to section 6 of this Act, within a period not exceeding fifty years from the date of completion of such unit, participating project, or separable feature thereof; (3) interest on the unamortized balance of the investment (including interest during construction) in the power and municipal water supply features of each unit, participating project, or any separable feature thereof, at a rate determmed by the Secretary of the Treasury as provided in subsection (f), and interest due shall be a first charge; and (4) the costs of each storage unit which are allocated to irrigation pursuant to section 6 of this Act within a period not exceeding fifty years. re^wM °"'"*'^* **' (e) Revenues in the Basin F u n d in excess of the amounts needed to meet the requirements of clause (1) of subsection (c) of this section, and to return to the general fund of the Treasury the costs set out in subsection (d) of this section, shall be apportioned among the States of the Upper Division in the following percentages: Colorado, 46 per centum; Utah, 21.5 per centum; Wyoming, 15.5 per centum; and New Mexico, 17 per centum: Provided., That prior to the application of such percentages, all revenues remaining in the Basin F u n d from each participating project (or part thereof), herein or hereinafter authorized, after payments, where am)licabie, with respect to such projects, to the general fund of the Treasury under subparagraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (d) of this section shall be apportioned to the State in which such participating project, or part thereof, is located. Revenues so apportioned to each State shall be used only for the repayment of construction costs of participating projects or parts of such projects in the State to which such revenues are apportioned and shall not be used for such purpose in any other State without the con-