Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/177

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[70 Stat. 121]
[70 Stat. 121]

70 S T A T. ]


PUBLIC LAW 497-APR. 30, 1956

as his running mate the junior line oiRcer in the grade of lieutenant (junior grade) with the same date of rank, or if there is none, the junior line officer of that grade with the next earlier date of rank. "SEC. 202. The Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force may from time to time prescribe regulations necessary for the administration of this title within their respective departments.-' SEC. 2. Section 202(a) of the Career Compensation Act of 1949 (63 Stat. 807) is amended as follows: (1) By striking out the period at the end of clause (6) thereof and inserting "; and" in lieu thereof. (2) By adding the following new clause at the end thereof: "(7) For each officer of the Medical Corps or the Dental Corps of the Army or Navy, each officer of the Air Force designated as a medical or dental officer, and each officer of the Public Health Service commissioned as a medical or dental officer, four years; and for each such medical officer who has completed one year of medical internship or the equivalent thereof, one additional year; except that the service authorized to be credited to an officer under this clause shall be reduced by the amount of any service otherwise credited under this section which covers any part of the period of the officer's professional education or internship; and, notwithstanding any other provision of law, the service credit authorized by this clause shall not— (A) be included in establishing eligibility for voluntary or involuntary retirement or separation from the service, under any provision of law; (B) increase the retired or retirement pay of a person who became entitled to such pay prior to May 1, 1956; or (C) increase the retired pay of a person Avho becomes entitled to such pay under title III of the Army and Air Force Vitalization and Retirement Equalization Act of 1948 (62 Stat. 1087), on or after May 1, 1956, but who does not perform active duty after May 1, 1956." SEC. 3. Title II of the Public Health Service Act (Act of July 1, 1944, 58 Stat. 683), as amended, is further amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section:


37 USC 233.

Service creditfoir pay computation.

10 USC 103610361 and note s.

42 USC aeq.

202 et


"SEC. 220. Any medical officer of the Regular Corps of the Public Health Service who— " (1)(A) was appointed to the assistant grade in the Regular Corps and whose service in such Corps has been continuous from the date of appointment or (B) may hereafter be appointed to the assistant grade in the Regular Corps, and "(2) had or will have completed a medical internship on the date of such appointment, shall be credited with one year for purposes of promotion and seniority in grade, except that no such credit shall be authorized if the officer has received or will receive similar credit for his internship under other provisions of law. In the case of an officer on active duty on the effective date of this section who is entitled to the credit authorized herein, the one year shall be added to the promotion and seniority-in-grade credits with which he is credited on such date." SEC. 4. The Officer Personnel Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 795) is amended as follows: (1) By inserting in the first sentence of paragraph (1) of section 211 (e) and in the first sentence of paragrai:)h (3) of section 311(d), after the words "a staff corps", the words "other than the Medical and

34 USC 3a note.

34 USC 30 6f..

3 0 5g.