Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/220

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[70 Stat. 164]
[70 Stat. 164]


PUBLIC LAW 633-MAY 19, 1956

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[70 S T A T.

government agency it would be in the public interest, personnel, services, supplies, equipment, and facilities of such agency may be furnished without reimbursement to the Commission for the purposes of this appropriation. COMMISSION ON GOVEBNMENT SECUKITT SALARIES AND EXPENSES

For an additional amount for "Salaries and expenses", $200,000, and said appropriation shall remain available until March 31, 1957. CORREGIDOR B A T A A N MEMORIAL COMMISSION SALARIES AND EXPENSES

36 USC 426.

For expenses necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act of August 5, 1953, as amended (67 Stat. 366 and 69 Stat. 589), $56,000, to remain available through June 30, 1957. CHAPTEK V

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The limitation under this head in the Independent Offices Appro69 Stat. 199. priation Act, 1956, on the amount available for expenses of travel, is increased from "$443,000" to "$488,000", and the limitation under said head on the amount available for performing the duties imposed upon ^ 5 ^ c ii8i. 118k- ^i^g Commission by the Act of July 19, 1940 (54 Stat. 767), is increased from "$65,000" to "$70,000". INVESTIGATIONS OF UNITED STATES CITIZENS FOR EMPLOYMENT BY INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS

For an additional amount for "Investigations of United States citizens for employment by international organizations", $107,100. ANNUITIES, PANAMA CANAL CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYEES AND LIGHTHOUSE SERVICE WIDOWS

For an additional amount for "Annuities, Panama Canal construction employees and Lighthouse Service widows", $70,000. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES, EMPLOYEES' LIFE INSURANCE FUND

The limitation under this head in the Independent Offices Appro69 Stat. 201. priation Act, 1956, on the amount made available from the "Employees' life insurance fund" for reimbursement to the Civil Service Commission for administrative expenses incurred in the administration f Til^r ono?^««t« of the Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Act, is increased SUSC 2091note. f^^^ « ^ 8 o, 0 0 0 " tO " | l l t, 5 0 0 ". FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION SALARIES AND EXPENSES

69 Stat. 201.

The limitation under this head in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1956, on the amount available for expenses of travel,